
I have one of the Vampire weekend albums, and it's OK…
but what I really wanna talk about is Vigo. God I love that dude.

That kinda jumped out at me as well so I googled him and realized he got fired for reviewing a pirated copy of Wolverine the Movie.

"I didnt want to go hunting around to find out the original artist at the risk of losing out on a firsty."

I mean Beakley…

Mrs. Beasley…
you've come a long way, baby.

As someone with a degree in hymens I have no fucking clue what the plot of Avatar is. Just kidding, it's about a white dude that becomes a blue dude to help a bunch of blue dudes fight a bunch of white dudes.

I want to talk about World's Greatest Dad, I watched it twice this weekend and it is fucking amazing.

Humperdink Fangboner III raises an interesting point.

I read in interviews that the reason humans need the Unobtainium is because Earth is dying or something, but I don't remember them mentioning that in the movie. This made the humans in the movie a lot less sympathetic in their pursuits and I'm guessing it was removed from the movie just for that purpose.

Definitely not kidding, hahaha, my brother's an ass.

I was on the phone with my brother yesterday and he was going on about how Avatar was the best movie ever made, then I read that Britanny Murphy died and the first thing he says "hopefully she got to see Avatar"

@The Lone Audience of the Apocalypse, considering Madagascar 2 and Ice Age 3 made a bazillion-kajillion dollars overseas (est. figures from Box Office Mojo) it could be argued that international audiences don't really give a fuck about anything.

Also good for DIY abortionments.

Nah that shit sucks.

Because it looks awesome. And because of Terminator 2. And True Lies.

Oh no. Come on, man. Chris Rock is the dude.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Ahh, racism… will you ever not be funny?

Dove, your picture is horrifying and adorable.

Also jewish. Christ, look at them shnozzes.

Was that a joke?