
But what does Armond White have to say about this??

The Frog Princess had that good hair.

Oh snap!!!

That Put Down the Muffin logo
looks like some kind of hieroglyphic cock and balls

I always thought the girl who played Vicki was the same girl from The People Under the Stairs and My So Called Life.

i.e. patented Birdman call.

"Pabst is really just not good beer. It's more an accessory for people playing make-believe." - that's hilarious. Allthough, I do admit, I kind of like it out of the bottle (the one or two times I've had it). It's pure swill out of a tap though. I used to drink Guinness and Yeungling but it's hard to get a good

I'm a Tool fan and I don't think he's a dick. I have read interviews where he's said things about half of his audience being jackasses. I've been to a couple of concerts and I can tell you it's way more than half. How are you supposed to engage a shaking, crying autograph-seeker anyway?

I can't imagine Good Hair 2 being any good because Good Hair 1 was fucking awful.

Chiwetel Ejiofor? Seriously? That guy's not that great.

Precious: Yes Fat Chicks

Wait, shouldn't that be in the foreign film category?

The Dolphin: Story of A Dreamer is a shoo-in!
Wait… what the fuck is The Dolphin: Story of A Dreamer? Is it based on a novel by Sapphire?

Wack Unfunny Bullshit???????????

But what about the fans Fifty??
Seriously, that album cover is one of the most simultaneously amazing and ridiculous things I've ever seen.

The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage…
Am I the only one who remembers that show?

Who is this Sapphire person?

I drove 40 miles to watch A Serious Man…
…and some dumb fucking ingrate kept yapping three or four rows behind me… she somehow perfectly timed a retarded comment every minute or two just as there was a pause in the dialogue. And there was some asshole infront of me who kept checking the baseball scores on his phone

I jizzed my pants.