
Kala, the M.I.A. album? Are you people fucking serious?

Seriously. @New Mexico not explodingbarrel

That Peter leaves a bad taste in your mouth, huh?

Now wait just a minute…
Did Pauly Shore just refer to himself as "an artist"?

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' aboot.

They should have him co-direct Boondock Saints 3 with Troy Duffy. That would keep em busy.

Yeah I remember when Narc was a pretty awesome movie until Buster Rhymes showed up.

StarDust with Robert DeNiro as the gay pirate?

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a huge gaping pile of shit. I don't know how a pile of shit can be gaping, but Pirates of the Caribbean 3 manages to. That fucking giant Calypso chick? I didn't even know what the fuck was going on in that movie.

Why the fuck did I just read all of this? Because I'm at work probably, and it killed five minutes.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and agree with Ack Ack, Land of the Lost is fucking hilarious. Seriously. It is retarded but the production design is pretty amazing. It was one of my favorites last year

ConAir is fucking awesome but Cage is the worst thing about it. The thing I like about him, though, is he doesn't really seem to give a shit about what anyone thinks. I also love how much people hate him and how they'll get really riled up about how shitty he is. And I'd rewatch both National Treasure movies a million

fuck what you heard.
This album is amazing. It also depends on the stereo you're using because the bass on this shit knocks hard. Devin the Dude is one of the best MC's out right now.

AV Club Q&A
Someone mentioned that biopics are invariably the worst and most boring movie genre. I agree.

Kundun in 3D.
Then maybe I'd watch it.

Lil Wayne and Birdman

At this point starting a beef with 50 Cent is like beefing with Smokey the Bear

Road to Rouen
Nobody likes Road to Rouen? I thought that album was damn good.

It was one of those grey discs so I put it in the DVD player without looking at it only to be greeted with Martin Lawrence's big fat ass on the DVD menu. It was kind of funny actually. I sent it back and they sent me a broken disc. I sent that back and they sent me the bonus features disc. I sent that back and they

I got Malcolm X from Netflix a few year's back and Big Momma's House 2 was in the sleeve.