Metal Gear did me a Solid

Here's a review of every episode:

Damn! That Roman Polanski gets around!

By far my favorite part in this movie is when Dredd is about to be killed by hillbillies; the hillbillies are shot in the back by police looking for Dredd.

I found Gleaming the Cube to be a really pretentious piece of twaddle. But frankly, that seems like an appropriate tone for Neuromancer to me.

To each their own. I didn't like cube zero because it tired to answer questions I thought didn't need answering. (The George Lucas effect).

I agree totally that we'd be bitching about Worf if he was killed off now.

Mission Impossible best case scenario: Strong plot and tense moments.

I've heard the Pizza Hut commercial is the linchpin for understanding the Jacob/Man-In-Black Dynamic.

Nathan Lane and Shia Lebouf

The last half hour is just Abrams apologizing.

The SPOLIER Thread
The finale involves people on the island.

Thanks, man.

I would have preferred a row of mega-man style instant death spikes

Hey Billy. Billy! The other day, I went up to my girlfriend, I said, "Y'know I'd like a little pussy". She said, "Me too, mine's as big as a house!"

I hope this means 20 more minutes of showing mercenaries be assholes on a long boat ride while Stallone sits and stews in anger.

He did a great job putting the 'old age'….IN COLD RAGE!

I thought the same about the game, but Ramis said in an interview:


That album's gonna drop once the Dr. Pepper money runs out.

CGI AND Sam Worthington?
Yep, skipping this one and just playing God of War 2 this weekend. Again.