Metal Gear did me a Solid

And before you know it, BOOM, that phone's out of your palm and halfway across the hotel room.

They had better get some better beats and uh…get some better rhymes.

How'd he get burned? HOW"D HE GET BURNED?

How'd he get burned? HOW"D HE GET BURNED?

He'll have to answer the riddle of Michael Steele

He'll have to answer the riddle of Michael Steele



I heard it in a slashdot article a month or two back. Not saying Mindy Kaling stole it. Maybe she took an identical, fully functioning copy of said joke while leaving the previous owner his joke.

d-fend reloaded. You need to have the games, but this program will allow you to run dos on windows today.

I think there's a test you cheat on earlier in the game, with a question like "If you are being chased by a large terminator, how would you kill them?" One of the answers is to stick a banana in its tailpipe.

erm.. I'm guessing either Witness or Deadline, both text adventures, both mystery in mansion types.

Me too! Internet high five?

For anyone else that doesn't like the dosbox interface, there is a program called d-fend reloaded that basically sets up everything for you with a few mouse clicks. You may have to tweak a few things, but I find it easier than straight dosbox.

Volume? Hand gestures maybe?

Michael Bay's directing the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

When I was little, we found a man. He looked like - like, he had downloaded a Katy Perry album without paying for it. The old woman in the village crossed themselves… and whispered crazy things, strange things. "El Cheapo Diablo." Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year, it grows hot. We begin finding

Anonymous, the General's sayin' that a couple of our friends are about to get squeezed, and we can't let that happen. We need the best. That's why you're here. Go on. 
Simple setup. One-day operation. We pick up their trail at the chopper, take down multiple websites, grab those hostages and bounce back across the

"Runs through the jungle, removing gear, singing"

She says the internet… it just came alive and took him.