
I'm RELIEVED it was a fantastic Top 20 after the slow, unenthusiastic opening number, and that Sonya made up for herself with the best piece of the night; maybe she just put more time into Ricky and Jessica's routine?. The choreography and song choice were PERFECT, if at the very least (to paraphrase Nigel) to quiet

I don't know if it was just my phone, but when I tried to vote, only 16 of the dancers showed up. Anyone else have this problem?

Am I the only one who DOESN'T like Robbie Kay's Pan portrayal? He's basically snarled and flared his nostrils to be "villainous." He has other subdued moments of villainy that work much better that I wish he had saved his more menacing takes for specific moments, sparing them. But I do look forward to his Henry, at

Yeah, it's because they'll be back for performances … but he just said it soooooooooo awkwardly, though, you know?

I have such negative feelings about last night, especially the elimination.  Aside from the fact that Nigel confused the frak of my wife and I with who was eliminated (anyone else?), keeping Haley and Fik-Shun based predominantly because of how America has been voting all-season frustrated the crap out of me.  Save

After last night, I think they'll keep Jenna only over Hayley.  I believe they'd save Amy over Jenna in a heartbeat, but it might be closer if it's between Jenna and Jasmine.  Comes down to the choreographers.

Don't have much to say except the routines were 95% incredible.  I'm seriously really sad Makenzie was outvoted; I would love to know the reasoning behind the 15 voters.

I'm thankful it's not 100% in America's hands yet, "America's Favorite Dancer" aside.  It definitely stifles the popularity-contest potentiality.  I'd have stopped watching weeks ago if Makenzie or Jasmine were possibly eliminated from a vote tally.  They're too good to be in the bottom until near the end of the

Yeah, Amy will do well, but Fik … he'll still PERFORM well, I believe, but the chemistry won't be as well-matched.

Great performances overall; thought it was another solidly danced night.  Kenny Ortega was a great judge, even if his praises fell towards the saccharine.  I kept hearing his soothing, patient voice from "This Is It."  He sounds like a genuinely nice human being in real life.

I had that thought, too, that the judges knew that, at this point in the competition, if she was in the bottom three, they'd eliminate her.  I didn't sense it was malicious ("Malece-ious?"), but, yeah, they knew out of the six, she would go.  Sucks to be out right before the Top 10, but this was perfect timing, I

I don't think there was any doubt in the judges' minds that Jasmine was in no way going to be sent home over Alexis.  The person who reviews SYTYCD on Television Without Pity (and user Brandine above) thought Nigel chose her to dance just to show America how idiotic they are in not voting for her.  They've seen

Yeah, Hayley and Malece have some sort of dark magic force field keeping them out of the bottom, I'm sure of it.  They've improved, surely, but the other four, I think, are much better.

Thought it was a very solid night overall; just still can't seem to have an exciting, compelling opening partner routine.   Each one has been forgettable, as Nigel clearly points out.

The way it's looking, I'm afraid there could soon be a judges' choice between Jenna and Mackenzie since I concur with your thoughts on America's voting.  It's obviously not their dancing, which is far above Alexis, Haley, and Malece.  To quote Tommy Lee Jones in MIB:  "A person is smart.  People are dumb, panicky,

Yes, it was very apparent that the extra week off actually hurt the first half's performances, which all seemed to peter out by the end (there hasn't been a truly great opening partner routine yet, in my opinion).  Jenna and Tucker's routine was very beautiful, though, despite the clever-yet-distracting use of the

You're right about Mariah; both solos she's had just look like she's going up there, angrily pumping her fist.  Maybe I really don't know what krumping is then, and if that's it, well I can do that.  She was much better in other styles (with the exception of last night, which just didn't work).

Mackenzie in the bottom twice already … makes absolutely no logical sense to me.  I hope her performances last night made America wake up.

Carly was worse.  But it's close.  Zooey, if I remember, didn't really know what to say when it was her turn.  At least Carly was quick and to the point, albeit superficial and without much depth.  I went in with low expectations, but still.  Blech.

I couldn't believe, either, how much praise Mariah and BluPrint's routine received!  It was very messy and awkward.  And I'm sure it doesn't help dancers right before they perform when they hear in the video package that "they're out of their style" or something like that.  Not the best emotional boost.  That aside,