
i smell sarcasm in the OP

i'm sure its hard to make coherent points through the red mist that is obscuring your vision

which you obviously didn't read since it explained that the number includes every law passed in brussels whether it applies to britain or not, and it goes on to note that of the major acts of parliament, since 1993 only about 1.4% even relate to the EU

huh …. two seconds on google seems to disprove that

yup … we won WWII all by ourselves

personally i feel that whenever someone starts spouting off about how much better it was in their day when people had values that their vote should be automatically discounted

damn, you are correct, i am losing my touch

hmmm, lets see … call the poster stupid, adopt a tone of smug condescension, refuse to give details so you can't be pinned down and then leave

too true, normally we cause global depressions, not the other way around

growing up in a country with mandatory voting i know it has its ups and downs, but the US system of requiring people to register before voting is just a blatant example of trying to control who can and can't vote

come on, if i had a dollar for every time the sudetenland or anschluss came up in ordinary conversation i'd have …. six dollars

it wasn't a slip revealing the nazi-esque ideology underpinning it?

gotcha, i grew up in south america where that sort of thing used to happen all the time, just the colombians tended to be the most brazen about. most of the other countries just quietly kidnapped people and dumped them in the ocean

this time its republicans jumping on the libertarian bandwagon …. poor deluded fools


we all know who to really call: 0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3

we don't make female superhero movies because they don't make money
-movie studio logic

on the other hand, he did bring sexy back …

newsflash: celebrity does thing that is remarkably similar to a thing done by previous celebrity

come on, you know james corden is just thrilled to be invited