
original blues brothers contains one of the all time best car chase sequences on film

is it more of a 'i saved white people from a race riot' carson, or a 'aliens built the pyramids to store grain' carson?

"i do cocaine!!"

you can't let 'the man' define your reality

roast beef is my spirit animal … his daily flowchart describes my life all too well

i hate when people are all supportive … so let me just say that there is no way you'll ever make it

i thought about creating a reposted youtube comments … but that would mean i'd have to look at youtube comments

that may explain why all hollywood snipers use laser dot sights

seriously, this sounds like an episode of NCIS where they discover the internet, where they reassure old people that nothing is so dangerous that gibbs can't egregiously violate civil rights and lock it away in gitmo

a worldwide cat picture database?

*old man yells at Cloud*

oooh … chemistry burn

i never thought i would die this way … i always dreamed i would though

hrmm … and movies never re-use ideas

its slightly better than movies where guys will flip over a folding card table to use as cover

#14: The Heidegger

am going to have to steal that pickup line from you

i kinda feel that by sitting in front of someone obviously wearing nothing underneath a trenchcoat … you were kinda asking for it

as long as you can blame the immigrants for ruining the economy, while distracting people from the massive de-regulation that actually ruined it

i always appreciate movies where cars always went up in bright explosions at the merest tap