
hoping the british spelling is intentional

you mean people who complain about her hypocrisy while oblivious to the irony of their candidate's many many trips to the wrong side of the law?

will have to dock points for not using the term sheeple

england is really taking a beating in almost all aspects these days

they're doing so well that they were awarded the the opportunity to eliminate england from the cup, because since everyone else has done it, might as well give the new guys a chance

i think its the assumption that the american readers would struggle to understand concepts like "soccer", "iceland" and "icelanders getting excited about their soccer team improbably beating england in the euro cup even though england inevitably folds like a cheap lawn chair at every single international event"

droll commentary?

i too wonder about random celebrities at random times

apparently the director decided the reaction would be better if charlie didn't know the wonka rage was coming. gene wilder later said he didn't want to do it because he was friends with ostrum and it seemed mean

didn't he say at one point something about the ticket making the bars taste horrible?

you can't just toss out random groups of letters and expect them to mean something you XBU

i think so, looking at the video he seems to have aged the best

depends on which batgirl, cause if you're referring to alicia silverstone then you may not want to mention that where people can hear you

facebook seems to be quite fond of flashing celebrity names as if they were dead only to state that its their birthday …. the other day i saw mel brooks up there and felt sad until i read it was his 90th birthday

what they can do is require any prospective US citizen to expatriate, they can't do shit about dual citizens from birth (like me)

you can be born with dual citizenship as i was, but in order to become a US citizen you are required to expatriate, or give up all other citizenships

irony is lost on his kind

damn kaiser taking all our twos

with logic like that you should be working for the trump campaign

was this before or after the savage newfoundland war?