
I actually don't think they worship ALIE (or anyone who looks like her, though I am ready to be totally wrong). If only because Emori talks about the women/being who comes to them in "the flying machine".

I think I may steal that summation when I try to explain this theory out loud. Also I kind of love that black blood is cool, crazy, and protected key leaders from being hunted somehow.

I think this is spot on. Oh man, I am all in for spiritual urban legend. For ALIE to be a goddess and a villain…

If it's all going to connect, what better way than to have ALIE be all tied up with their belief in reincarnation. I don't think necessarily that they KNOW that she is manipulating them, if only because of how Emori talks about her "she comes to us through the flying machine". But it's gonna be crazy.

WE HAVE A BLACK NOSE BLEED PEOPLE. CODE BLACK. And also black tears of angry warrior vengeance I just can't even

So. I just saw a still promo they released for next week. I think you're on point with the black blood and I am freaking out. Lots to piece together, but it makes the black dripping eye make-up that much more intense to me…

See that? That is really dark. Because then we start falling down the rabbit hole of just how tied to ALIE our favorite Heda could be? My opposing theory is: Lexa and Titus and maybe other leaders know about the drones that try to get outcast mutant grounders to collect tech [for the City of Light, or something

I always assumed that the original cuff had something to do with Costia (or something on her back or somewhere very private). I wish they would upload a closer pic of it for all of us nerds to geek over. I cannot wait to see her back tattoos!

HA you're so right. I think the most I ever liked Bellamy was when he was flying through fire to destroy the acid fog. That was sweet, especially compared to how I wanted to throttle him during season 1 when he was just being a rash selfish brother dummy. I think I just kind of want him to finally like the clans for

Bellamy Blake, basically Anakin Skywalker? It's true though, Bellamy has always had trouble seeing the big picture without help, and that makes him so susceptible to corruption.

Gah, that's so romantic and intense. I really want to get a full look at it, because it looked kind of like was circular? Like the sun or the piece of the ark that is Arkadia?

yeah but he's Jaha and we get to hate him so openly…?

heck yeah, if Raven and Sinclair hadn't survived and caught the assassin, Bellamy would've looked like he was inciting war and breaking all the rules

I love that imagery. I also love that it is completely within canon for Bellamy to be easily swayed to the dark side (he's gullible and prone to trying to be an action hero so he dives in without thinking, it's his bravery and loyalty clashing with being stubborn about just who he should be loyal to)

I don't know if being abducted by the Mountain Men at the end of S1 counts as abandonment ;)

gawd Bellamy is so stoopid.

As to Echo distracting Bellamy, it seems to be a mixed plot: a distraction that probably allowed time for the assassin to enter mt weather in the first place, and Echo gets to repay Bellamy for saving her life in the first place, AND it makes the Skaikru look incredibly foolish when they crash the summit with illegal

The point of the scene, other than building on the fact that people from all sides are telling these two powerful women to murder each other, is that Lexa and Clarke continue to find third options that aren't obvious to other people. Clarke, as PISSED at herself and Lexa as she is, is given the opportunity to do what

literally the end game?