
headcanon cut scene official

To be fair, I think he named the general clan language before the world building was like "oh yo here are the rest of the clans etcetcetc"

Add in the fact that is mom is about to massacre a peacekeeping force, and we have a recipe for more juicy storyline for Monty (hooray! but hooray?)

cue the fan fic music…

I don't think he ever has known about Octavia not getting out of TonDC, tbh, it probably got lost in a lot of shuffle. But I do think that is consistent for him to "protect" Octavia by doing what HE believes is right, he never seems to put any faith in Octavia's reasoning (which is usually pretty smart, but is always



I don't know though, Raven was all gung-ho breaking through to missiles without an endgame plan… but my explanation for the lack of Raven was that she was in medical and is really REALLY having issues getting around right now. But gawd, someone needs to draaaag bellamy (preferably before a massacre that is going to

It totally fits Bellamy's character to not see big picture though, and to have him focus on him saying "Stay. I'll go," and not truly understanding what she communicated before she died. I don't think he thinks of it as avenging her death so much as he thinks he is lashing back against trusting an "outsider"

the writers have said it isn't. Plus, geographically it doesn't make sense (Annapolis is even more of a harbor city). Polis tower is literally just an apartment building that managed to stay up.

They landed closer to Washington DC (tonDC), a bit of a hike from Mount Weather in VA. Polis is somewhere near/in Baltimore, judging by the map that Roan used and the metro station visible in the Polis market scene (Linthicum, I believe). Names also help "Lexa" - Alexandria, Lincoln's village is based near the

I agree, it is definitely a weakness on the show. But at least the idea that people are consistently swayed by overwhelming fear / fear of the "outsider" is pretty true to life. (I am so frustrated by this development of Pike as chancellor, but it proves to me once again that these people need a floatin' Commander,

a wild mcnutt appears!

b-b-b-but but but Bob Morley is so hot how can his character be wrong????

Also, I want to add that I hate that people are saying Gina died for no reason. 1) She died a fucking hero. 2) she gave a face to the 49 sky people who were killed. 3) her horrific stabbing was intended to show the brutality of the Ice Nation.

I can (and will as i always do) write a heck of a lot more (probably about how amazing all the Polis stuff is). But just to jump into the fray with an opinion I am chewing on but not sure I believe:

you should stop, you sound racist. you're one bad comment away from throwing around "savages". The reason this plot remotely could work is that it is clearly referencing imperialism / colonialism. The advanced people land and assume that everything is theirs, and kill anyone they think of as "below" them. The Clans

I love Raven, I don't know where she would've landed in this episode though with the most impact. Also, I wish we could've just seen her in medical bay being tended to by Nyko or something… also, maybe I'm glad she wasn't here because I don't want her to get Bellamy's Stoopid anywhere near her.

You'd be surprised by how much watching someone you have all sorts of feelings about (good and bad) almost be killed can affect you.