
No lie, I am clamoring all over this thread for your thoughts! You have a good eye for the best details. In the writers room card that mapped out the episode, the final shot was all CONSPIRACY?!?!

I don't know that I would agree that he has a lot to blame Lexa for (apart from her taking the deal at the Mountain). To be fair, she has a lot to blame him for too, ranging from his actions that incited the initial war between trikru and skaikru to his most recent needless murdering of the 2 elevator operators

Also also also: is anyone willing to go down some speculation paths with me about the importance of blood in the show? I posted a little below but to expand: the 100 did a lot of work the past few episode to draw attention to the importance of blood and symbolism in clan cultures.

I've been quiet about this episode because I just honestly am bowled over by how jam-packed with world building it is. It's hard to organize my thoughts, but for now, for anyone interested: this is the 2025 DC-Baltimore transit map that The 100 universe referenced, and has built their geography on:

Skipping over the general suspension of disbelief needed to wrap your head around different (more native) spirituality, beliefs, and language developing so quickly after the apocalypse: I believe this particular Azgeda ritual is to show how:
1) The Ice Nation uses scarification as a focal point of their rituals

Off screen somewhere. The actor who played him got caught being a real racist nutball on twitter.

It's Baltimore! Check the cool map they referenced, it's based on a future DC-Baltimore transit plan.

also he keeps misspelling Skaikru … so weird right?

She's canonically a bisexual character, it's a product of who she is, it's not fear or agenda or plot or secondary "exploration" reasons.

sidenote, I read that as "with Bellamy's fanfiction serving as the first opposition group" and I laughed out loud

CW is really good about making them available on their website, plus very limited commercials!

That Lauren Lapkus is a star! Glad to see her in this!

I honestly wonder if it is a struggle between 1) knowing she is a brilliant rocket scientist / engineer and she can basically genius her way out of anything 2) trying to treat her injury / disability in an honest way rather than erase and and 2b) in a survival-forward environment where mobility is super super super

I believe it comes from the word "float" because they are the "boat people". Lincoln has spoken of them, and his friend Luna who is floukru, since s1 (which is kind of amazing!)

Been thinking about this all day at work. In my head, I throw in Raven just to make sure all my favorite badasses are represented,

Would you say it would be like… the ultimate christmas present?

I mean, Pike was wearing a human jaw as a mask…

Gah I wish. I have heard rumors that 303 is going to blow minds.

I have a weird theory that it's because he is the only one of them who
knows how to drive? Like that he, Monty, and Raven fixed the solar
powered rovers but are the only ones who know how to drive them. It
makes more sense in my brain?

America, no!