
I like the way you think. I just over-posted above, BUT god, I cannot wait to see Brenda Strong v ADC. Throw in a dash of Eliza Clarke? This show is just overflowing with riches.

How the 100 manages to make this table-setting episode boil with energy just blows my mind. Everything is bubbling along except the Jaha storyline. The CoL stuff is crawling along at a snail's pace compared to everything else, but the reveal about the uploading of consciousness that "survives" death I think will find

You're throwing around bitch a lot (a word I dislike for all sorts of reasons) against a commander who chose thousands and generations of her people over 40. Clarke's anger is valid and phenomenal, the electricity between the two characters/actors is outstanding. But I think the incredible twist of the dagger is that

You're not totally fascinated that the Ice Nation has royals? Considering that the Heda was chosen by reincarnation?

You failed to mention his tell-tale scar on his eye…

I'm really just dreaming for The 100 to get the Heather Hogan treatment over at autostraddle, but I don't think s1 grabbed her enough.

I dream of a day when The 100 will be the top pick **heart eyes**

We are SO off topic! But ok. According to what you're saying about the general audience reacting to OITNB, the show is in kind of a bind, isn't it? 1) she's in a women's prison, so her only love interests can be female (cis, trans, or genderqueer but still) and 2) to show that she is bi (like the real Piper), they've

So do Cruz and Rubio

I always took that as more of a commentary on bi-erasure from within the LGBTQ community, seeing as Piper has always been clear on liking men and women.

I never really got through OITNB dialogue, but if a writer is saying that outside the room that is some gross bi-erasure, brudduh.

AMC's Turn still has my favorite inside-animal bit

It works for me because he's never very forward thinking ;)

Piper is Bi on OITNB … whether we see her only dating girls or boys for the rest of her life, that doesn't change her being bi.

I appreciate that a lot actually? I maybe think about this show too much. I love that it allows for that kind of deep exploration. But then again, there is still a safe space for fangirling and shipping and hopes and dreams and I think I need it to be Thursday now please?

I might add that Kane (and Arkadia) made a point to say that they follow the rules of the Commander's truce/peace/alliance, so it doesn't seem farfetched to me that Arkadia has continued communication with grounder population in some capacity (not like Heda has been visiting them, but still messengers and trade etc).

Oh man, I like your point about her brushing off Lincoln's criticism. That is super strong.

Interesting to view it as judgement rather than a real factor of survival under the harshest of conditions. It's kind of a harsh natural selection / forced evolution for a planet where the only people that survived had to somehow naturally be able to survive levels of radiation without defect. I do think that

I think that's missing the key point of Octavia's development: the Ark was never her home, the Sky People were never her people. She was raised under the floorboards while her mother slept with guards to protect her / the family. Octavia was imprisoned for simply existing. The Grounders (Indra!) offered her the first

That's such a lovely way to put it!