
Brenda Strong is the Ice Queen — apparently, she is incredible in the role.

You're in luck, it is canon that Clarke is bisexual! Nate Miller is gay! Lexa is a lesbian! Raven is a POC disabled super engineer! And Clarke's hair dye is classic berry use. Shablamo, The 100's representation is kiiiiind of amazeballs?

Bless this show for the way it makes representation feel both possible, normal, and proves that all sorts can create affecting and amazing televisio.

Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by Jason Rothenberg…

to be fair, I think part of Lincoln's thing is shaving his head and body hair to show off his warrior tattoos (I find it fascinating that all the grounder warriors of the grounders seem to be clean shaven all over, but those with more hair/braids/beards/piercings tend to be like, officer class almost? … or just SUPER

Great choices! Massively missing two: "I Can Do Better Than That" from Last 5 Years and "Here I Am" from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!

I love the irony of Fox News being a lifestyle.

She's a model. (Regina Spektor sings the theme)

B-b-b-b-but Hayley Atwell!!!

Fury was blind, everyone was blind! But I can understand the logic of handpicked "fruit of the poisonous tree"

If you want to look at it that way, the MM showed they needed "spotters" on the ground to direct missile launches. If they can't get a spotter out, then yes, neutralized. AND the MM would never shoot missiles at Camp Jaha, their marrow is WAY too important to them now. Who knows if their next generation will be able

Annapolis, or my thought was that it was merely based off the idea of a great "Metropolis" y'know?

I think your breakdown of this is short-sighted. This Commander is recognized by Grounders and MM alike for her cold ruthlessness, AND her ability to compromise and come to peace agreements. The Cages in particular spoke often about how "this commander is different" because she likes to form unconventional alliances.

His death directly lead to the saving of every Grounder held captive in Mount Weather. I think he'd be proud of the lives he saved, mebbe?

Wasn't the point of them "blowing the door" to attract all of MW's soldiers and automatic weapons there, instead of to the reaper tunnel? I think it stands to reason that they were assuming there was going to be a huge bloody battle in that door/tunnel. Even 20 soldiers with homefield advantage and automatic weapons

Here is a quote from The 100 writer Kim Shum that put my angst and unrest about the Commander's decision-making into perspective. I love how this Writers Room thinks deeply and descriptively about their storytelling decisions…

How about the simplicity of putting Amy Poehler in a live sketch, damn!

It's hard to buy LuPone as a super Christian lady. That girl be Jewish, ma!

I guess I just find Jo to be bland. And the abusive relationship stuff just felt out of character. Sigh.

Just keep writing the reviews; if you read it, the Grey's nerds will surface! And also keep updating us on Into the Woods… YES!