
Comes from nothing, worked her way through school, beautiful, positive, likes babies, clashes but then really works with Alex… not nearly as endearingly neurotic as S1 Iz though.

I'm so torn. I'm so sad that Brooks is gone (gah Majorino, you will always be my favorite on every show you join), but so happy the AV Club is covering the season! (One day, can we get a review from season 1? Maybe?)

Totally agree. Amber Riley has improved immensely this year, I wish they would give her a storyline to sink her teeth into that isn't about food. (Pun not intended). Her lack of real involvement until the closing of Kurt bully storyline was bizarre. And her subtle expression as he left the choir room - gold stars. And

I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who heard it :)

Quote of the night for me
"…and the AV Club worked so hard on the snow"

Female Characters
Keep regressing Rachel, please Glee. No one liked that strong, independent, quietly broken hearted, and smart young wannabe-star from the Pilot and the 1st season anyway. Yes her teenage heartbreak is spot on, but the old Rachel would have had a stronger argument than just "Sorry" "NOOOO YOU HURT ME.

I ammend this to say that the character of Artie had no continuity with his characterization from Season 2, but more of Season 1 when he was a nice guy who totally would try to act tough but in the end pay for dinner anyway. This season he has been used as a sexist punchline and last time I checked he wanted to break

Far from boring
You make a lot of points, but this episode was FAR from boring. Yes, some things in the episode were a bit out of place and dear god, this show needs FEMALE writers to combat the heavy male-perspective that is turning into heavy sexism… BUT THIS EPISODE WAS JAMMED WITH ACTION.

Now that sounds real
This grade is just wrong. There were good laughing out loud moments, and it is SO true about how women and men talk about sex differently. And both genders can take it the wrong way. Honest and funny!

Growth, Depth, and Plot, oh my!
I loved this review. I think it also shows that for viewers/critics having a connection with the theme of the show (or the artists featured) can affect how the episode is received.

Usually your reviews are pretty great, but you use a whole paragraph to complain about the bullies who "came out of nowhere". These two actors were used consistently through the first 13 episodes, as well as the Back 9 so far. They even have names "Azimio" and "Dave Karofsky". Azimio is on the football team

On Rachel…
Am I the only one who feels sad for Rachel? Yes, she tries to hard and "wants too much". But in the end she is an overly honest and driven 16 year-old-girl. Her honesty is not meant to be cruel, yet Mr. Schue consistently allows the other members of Glee to pick on her openly.