
Ohio has Cedar Point, at least. Indiana has… um.. the Kurt Vonnegut Museum?

This may have been addressed already last week, but Malcolm's Ponderosa scenes were fucking gross. There was an entire scene of him grooming himself talking about how pretty he is. I've always liked Malcolm, but his stock went way down with that.

That's a really interesting game-balance question. I guess it's much easier to balance strength-to-weight ratios than it is to measure relative intelligence or memory skills between players. And nobody wants to see a handicapped memory challenge. (Maybe Leif could have gone a bit further if that were a possibility)

@avclub-080acdcce72c06873a773c4311c2e464:disqus I liked Erik's move a lot more after seeing his secret scene.

@avclub-008bf13a8f7be64451ccbe21fb672c96:disqus Mean Cochran is a little rough to watch, so I'm rationalizing it as a guy who's just head-first into the game at Day 33. I can't imagine I'd always have a lot of nice things to say about people at that point, either.

I listened to Andrea's exit interview earlier, and apparently she had no idea that Cochran was behind the blindside. She thought it was Dawn the whole time, so who knows. People may still be underestimating him out there. It's not exactly the savviest bunch of players left now.

He looked a bit like Seth Bullock from Deadwood to me. Easily the best thing Reynolds has done all season.

Whatever you can fit in to your busy schedule.

It's a little cliche, but Cochran is playing a perfect puppet-master game. First he let Phillip think he was running the show, then he let Andrea think she was in control and let her go once he had the chance. He's the frontrunner now, and nobody else even seems to realize it. He's like the Littlefinger of Survivor.

Fabio was in the foreground for most of the season- mostly as a goofball at first, and later as a challenge monster.

This seems like it'll be a particularly non-bitter jury. Sure, Michael gave everyone the finger, but he even said in his exit interview that he didn't do it out of malice.

Hey Eddie, FYI: "Tricked" and "fooled" are not adjectives.

1991 called; it wants it's comeback back.

He understands his mistakes. Can anyone here honestly say they'd perform better under the circumstances?

That was fantastic. Why can't we always have players as self-aware as Cochran?

I had the same thought. Has any swing vote ever gone on to win the whole shebangabang?

@hornacek:disqus I just want to thank you for coming up with the nickname "Mr. Awesome". I hope it sticks.

I think the contestants are always looking for it, but they only actually show it when somebody is about to find one. It would be pretty boring TV otherwise.

I made a point about challenges like the SOS signals a few weeks ago and was quickly shot down. Apparently, "subjective" challenges are not popular.

For spectators, it totally makes sense for Malcolm to hold on to that second idol until after the vote.