
True, but unlike, say, Gandolfini, the actor didn't project any charisma or charm that would make Johnny's attraction to him understandable.

True, but unlike, say, Gandolfini, the actor didn't project any charisma or charm that would make Johnny's attraction to him understandable.

Not just some comments, but seemingly the majority of comments.

Not just some comments, but seemingly the majority of comments.

I think it helps that Megan stands up to Don, but mostly it's that Don has, as you say, willed himself to be a better man and thus is more receptive to her. After his acknowledged mistakes with Betty and his miserable bachelorhood, he's desperate to remake himself once again as a supportive, faithful husband. He

I think it helps that Megan stands up to Don, but mostly it's that Don has, as you say, willed himself to be a better man and thus is more receptive to her. After his acknowledged mistakes with Betty and his miserable bachelorhood, he's desperate to remake himself once again as a supportive, faithful husband. He

Nice use of the Pinter Pause!

Nice use of the Pinter Pause!

Don't you know, everything is the wives' fault in Mad Men. They drive their men to cheat and embezzle!

Don't you know, everything is the wives' fault in Mad Men. They drive their men to cheat and embezzle!

One ad campaign idea does not make Megan better at advertising than Don.

One ad campaign idea does not make Megan better at advertising than Don.

The real mystery is why she ended up going back to him. He must be a really good cook.

The real mystery is why she ended up going back to him. He must be a really good cook.

Preach it! "How could they do that to Joan?" on the same night as "Doesn't Lena Dunham know that people on TV need to be attractive?"

Preach it! "How could they do that to Joan?" on the same night as "Doesn't Lena Dunham know that people on TV need to be attractive?"

Actually, the problem with that valedictory speech wasn't that it was generic, but that it was all about her. It's not an Oscar acceptance. The rest of the graduating class doesn't care about your mom, Rory!

Actually, the problem with that valedictory speech wasn't that it was generic, but that it was all about her. It's not an Oscar acceptance. The rest of the graduating class doesn't care about your mom, Rory!

Thank you! Whither Ed? You would think he would learn from the last time he was attacked in his own home.

Tina's outburst would have made more sense if she hadn't been the female soloist for New Directions for their last competition (sectionals? regionals? I can't remember, but the Glee writers should). I know that looking for continuity in Glee is like looking for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie, but really!