
Oliver, it's "tenets," not "tenants".

WHAT?! Lisa's Wedding, Summer of 4'2, Lisa's Rival, I Love Lisa, and Lisa's Substitute are all treasures.

Eh, Don has always been willing to abandon his children at the drop of a hat. With Rachel in the first season. With the prospect of Sterling Cooper West. Etc.

But the letter was supposed to be her funeral instructions. And if you're dying, I think you get to be a little "selfish."

If the captain never solved the puzzle, how was he immediately able to tell that Amy and Terry's solution was wrong?

Oh God, still heartbreaking.

Exactly. That's what didn't ring true to me, that he suddenly had this hero worship of his father, when I remembered him (albeit fuzzily) being pretty openly resentful in earlier episodes.

Yes! Remember when Robert wanted to invest in a literal Ponzi scheme? I think Fellows depicts him as comically wrongheaded a lot of the time, but in an honorable, well-meaning, cuddly sort of way. Thereby making the aristocracy seem less powerful (and therefore less responsible) but more human and benevolent.

No, that is indeed the title song from "Hair."

Yeah, I love the show, but Bevers fills me with so much rage I can't even find him funny.

Very enjoyable episode, though I'm rather tired of the TV/movie trope in which a character who has real ethical reasons for not getting involved with someone has those concerns dismissed as "fear of intimacy."

I really like the BBC "Our Mutual Friend."

That was a joke.

You, sir, are worse than Hitler! [slap]

"Though I hardly consider "A Separate Peace" ninth-grade level!"
"Yeah, more like preschool."
"I hate John Knowles."
"Me too."


The experience of not feeling what seems like the right amount of sadness about the death of someone you associate with is "relatable" and universal, but the urge to use that death as a kind of weird currency—claiming David as a "close" friend and then saying the next moment that she doesn't care, even lying about

Except it really made it seem as though Cece can't read. Wait, is that what the last episode implied too, with Jess "teaching" her? Is there going to be a Very Special Episode?

"Equanimity" is not the same thing as "equality."

The actual melody sounded like "Volare."