Run for it Marty

Yeah, there was some really bad erotic novel writing in Book 5. Martin actually uses the whole "didn't know where her flesh ended and his began" thing, if I remember correctly.

Fuck yeah Beric, fuck yeah Dany, fuck yeah Olenna. Fuck yeah this episode. I'm on my phone and that's all I can muster.


That's a really cool story (seriously).

I would be total Team Stannis if not for the little fact that he allows a religious zealot to fucking burn people alive. That ADWD scene where orders the burning of like 3 guys - one of whom a boy - for the crime of eating someone who was already dead, because they were starving? Even Asha finds it inhuman and

@avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus  "Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night."

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus I love that preview chapter. "Would that all the lords in the Seven Kingdoms had but a single neck… "

Right - not only is it an awesome bit of backstory that connects him to Jon, but it's pretty relevant to later events…

So am I the only one who thinks they've drained Mance of all charisma? I love the show, but D&D seem hellbent on removing every fun/interesting character tic that sets the characters apart. Roose Bolton is kind of bland, and now Mance is just another dour old fellow.

Well shit, now @avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus's on board.

Well I think the "give me another son" thing was more about "give me another shadowbaby assassin to kill everyone."

I was…not a big fan of that. It seemed exactly like some shit they'd pull on True Blood. Yes, I've seen a few True Blood episodes goddamn you.

@Nudeviking:disqus At least the onion is cheeky.

I thought he was going to reveal himself to Theon there, but nope - we're in full mindfuck mode.

I couldn't believe that reference. Fucking slick.

Never heard that one, but I'd say yeah, that kills it. D&D have killed off some supporting characters that have survived into Book 5, but no way they'd fuck that one up if GRRM told them about it.

Is the body part decoration stuff in the books? I know they do it in the first scene in the show, but I don't think that's part of the text. Creepy, I like it.

I actually think Stannis is fascinating in the show, at least as much as he was in the books. Stephen Dillane nails it.

Yeah, I kept trying to remember if Mel ever left Dragonstone before they went to the wall but was coming up empty. So she's going to track Gendry down and try to bring him back?