Run for it Marty

They really, really need to bring him back. I lived him in Season 1. "Your meat…is bloody tough!"


Well, I was fine until two things. One was re-reading one of my favorite quotes of all time, as part of an entry on his blog a couple years ago:

God damn it. Even apart from his film reviews, I loved reading his writing. His "How I Believe in God" essay was just beautiful.

I don't get it Big Dan.

If I remember correctly, she even dresses in red.

I'm perfectly fine with leaving characters out of episodes. They did this in the first season. Part of my problem last year was the constant need to shoehorn characters into every episode (hello, Dany) even when they didn't need to be.

Burninating the peaaasents!

@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus That guy became way less interesting after Ned's (and shortly thereafter, Drogo's) death. I don't think he ever quite got over it.

"Ser…my lady…"

Oh but when he does, it's going to be in a big way.

Right. Kind of bogus to set up "BATTLE TIME!" in last year's finale, and then completely punt on the whole thing. If the rest of the episode wasn't as good then I'd be more pissed about it.

Wasn't the Sorrowful Man hired by the warlocks anyway? Or am I not remembering that right?

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus I remember reading that scene and having no idea what a manticore was. I had to look it up.

I didn't think we'd get giants either! Even if his makeup was a little stiff, I was glad they didn't use any CGI on the big guy. And yeah, as much as I like the mammoths, I have no idea how they'd pull that one off.

She kind of has a constant sly smirk. It's sexy.

Fuck yes, I had forgotten about that. Actually I've forgotten when he introduced in the books altogether. When he said his name I let out a happy/terrified yelp. The man who reanimated the Mountain!

Things I did not like:
Missing the battle of the Fist of the First Men altogether: COME ON!
No Strong Belwas: Gotta trim the fat somewhere, but this guy is such a fun character.

I may have to name my new wireless network appropriately.

Don't look at me when I'm fucking talking to you!