Run for it Marty

Aubergine? I guess?

Thanks to the collective powers of this movie, social media marketing, and gun violence, I was given this little gem yesterday in my Facebook feed: http://i49.tinypic.com/2whg…

His Skywalker arm cracked me up.

"The plot involves - oh never mind." Roger Ebert's Conan review.

@Spacemonkey_Mafia:disqus I always do my shopping at Kroegen.

Yeah, she wasn't exactly comfortable with it. But she knew at some point that loud-mouth Ellen May was going to blab something that would get them all arrested or killed.

The hilarious defense lawyer from True Grit is also in the show, he plays the male bartender - the one who tells Raylan in last week's episode that he hadn't seen Lindsey since she went upstairs to wait for Raylan. He's an awesome actor who has only had like two scenes; I hope they give him some more material.

You win again, Goulet!

Well, the police aren't "allowed" to do that. But Raylan wasn't really acting as a marshal at that point, and he does dirty cop shit like that all the time anyway.

Someone help me out here - who was the guy playing the cockfighting organizer? I know I've seen him in something fairly recently, but I can't quite place him. This seems to happen on Justified a lot.

Agreed, "off-kilter" is a good way to put it. I know some see it as meandering, but I'm loving it.

I've seen that actress in a couple other shows and liked her. Hopefully they do keep her around.

There are actually a lot of older folks who apparently use it as "lots of love." I imagine this leading to a lot of amazing misunderstandings.

"I KNOW YOU MURDERED HIM! Well, thank you for your time ma'am."

I think Boyd also saw a little of himself in the guy. Boyd was a true believer up and until the moment his whole congregation was murdered. Boyd got to witness another true believer have his faith destroyed, right before he presumably died - and Boyd was responsible to an extent.

Walter, Walter, Walter.

With African commandos backed by Jon Voight, no less!

True, but that conversation was still strange. Bolivia and Lincoln seemed remarkably cool for just learning that the Blue Universe was a totalitarian Observer society and that Olivia's daughter had recently been murdered.

Besides the obvious sadness at the show ending, It's starting to bum me out that this is the last time we're going to be commenting on a new Fringe episode. I didn't really "discover" AV Club until midway through Season 3, but it quickly became my favorite place to discuss TV, and Fringe was one of my favorite