Run for it Marty

Ooh, good call on the the lights going out being a callback/progression of the "turn out the lights" bomb.

Funny, to this day I've never watched that entire episode. It aired on a Monday smack dab in the middle of Season 2 while the new eps were airing on either Tuesday or Thursday. People who watched it without knowing that it was a holdover from S1 were so damn confused.

I picked up on that. Somehow made the former line slightly better.

He just looks so earnest when he does it. Kills me.

Shit, you're right. Maybe in the AU you can can…hair color implants, or something…

Big red "NO."

Well, Olivia was zapping back and forth between universes in "Liberty" (something I always wanted to see, by the way) so a little red thrown in there wouldn't have been inappropriate. But I can understand not wanting to burn a portion of whatever budget this show had left on something like that.

Yeah, I immediately thought "Wait, so that Observer has a fear of butterflies as well?" But otherwise the no one would have understood the callback, and that image was always a cool visual, so I'm OK with a little hand-waving.

Okay, I wasn't really taking into account the new timeline. That makes more sense.

(for the record I liked the episode and was trying to be a little cheeky)

Cool! Now someone less strangely hostile.

So was anyone else hoping for a throwback to the original title sequence, or some combination of old/new sequences? A minor thing, but I always love the creativity with those.

I am somehow shocked that Broyles didn't eat it.

I am somehow shocked that Broyles didn't eat it.

I'm still gonna need someone to explain how removing the Observers doesn't entirety change the series. And why Walter had to disappear in 2015. EXPLAIN ME.

Haha, good call. Astro justifies herself.

Great visual callbacks throughout that whole scene. Giant cold viruses!

So who else totally wanted Windmark to burst into flame there?

@avclub-22259ee6329364cebbe4c40bd951f307:disqus That was the first episode I saw, and I'm pretty sure that gag is what got me watching the show regularly.

"You will not take my son from me!" is pretty appropriate for both.