Run for it Marty

Is that you, Stannis?

Maybe they were bringing up the rear, and we'll see them in the first episode of next season? Hopefully?

Maybe they were bringing up the rear, and we'll see them in the first episode of next season? Hopefully?

I had to explain the Wights and White Walkers for five minutes after the episode to my non-reader friends.

I had to explain the Wights and White Walkers for five minutes after the episode to my non-reader friends.

No, he doesn't. It's revealed in the next book, but I can't remember by whom. Dany maybe?

No, he doesn't. It's revealed in the next book, but I can't remember by whom. Dany maybe?

Theon looks hilariously batshit in that picture.

Theon looks hilariously batshit in that picture.

I couldn't believe they kept that in. Loved it.

I couldn't believe they kept that in. Loved it.



Yeah, she was way too passive about the whole thing.

Yeah, she was way too passive about the whole thing.

I read that interview today and literally said out loud "CEO OF TITS!"

I read that interview today and literally said out loud "CEO OF TITS!"

Man, I loved Stannis staring into the flame with Mel on his shoulder. I wasn't sold on Dillane as Stannis for the longest time, but I'll be damned if he didn't completely win me over in the end.

Man, I loved Stannis staring into the flame with Mel on his shoulder. I wasn't sold on Dillane as Stannis for the longest time, but I'll be damned if he didn't completely win me over in the end.

Haha, thank for the reminder - I was only slightly kidding. I burned through the whole series last summer, except for the Dance, which took me forever thanks to my fall semester. For me the Shavepate was the embodiment of all the Meereen side characters that I just got totally lost in. Somehow I managed to completely