Run for it Marty

"The reemergence of the evidence locker money brings back a subplot that
I’d hoped was buried forever. We’ll see what comes of it."

I know, I just hope it's not totally brushed under the table. It was a big character thing for them both.

Good call. When Art said something along the lines of "you shot her through him" I thought "Hey, I've seen that before." Whaddya know.


Man, this one really played on everything. Horror, humor, suspense, action, empathy.

Pretty sure Mallory standing in Sterling's doorway with the paddle was a little callback/foreshadowing to Archer standing in Mallory's doorway with the cleaver in "Dial M for Mother." Somehow I didn't even catch it until reading this.

Yeah, for a hot moment there I thought the nurse guy was killing him. Then I thought, "No, dumbass, it's Dewey Crowe."

I watched the first seasons of this show religiously in college. Maybe now I'll catch up…or maybe at some point in the future. Eh, probably not.

I went to UGA as well, and yeah, that's accurate.

Georgia isn't shabby at all. And they all wear sun dresses on gameday.

Ditto. I could just sit back and enjoy these characters conversing on and on, wouldn't bother me a bit.

Speaking of Dewey, next week looks like a fucking blast.

"…despite Johnny’s past misgivings about his brother."

Devil's always been a cocky jackass, but damn, that was dark.

"Big swing and a miss."

And it makes me wonder…

Makes you wonder what his father did for a living.

I'm convinced FX put this show on Tuesdays in order to make my Tuesdays suck less.

This show is so goddamn good it makes me angry. I'm just loving all the players this year. "Next one's comin' faster."
