Run for it Marty

Damn, good call.

Everybody give it up for Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap!

Was she using the department seal as a gladiator shield?

I'm just so happy that Leslie knows who Mothra is.

I could understand indifference or passive dislike, but Jesus.

I never figured they'd do the no-stache. He looks a decade younger. Well, he looks his actual age.

Yeah, for being these large quick dinosaurs, it's no wonder they died off. You have one girl who runs off, alone, and later she apparently…ran into a tree, or something. Fine, I can believe she injured the dino since she was carrying a gun. But that other kid? He gets ripped out of a vehicle, then instead of killing

The Descent is doable.

Right, I'm not expecting anything too transcendent here. Just a good sci-fi romp in with dinos, Jurassic Park-esque architecture, and at least one badass character.

Odds are I'll be reenacting Falling Down somewhere around that age.

I like this. Bring back ZFT.

The thought of Walternate yelling "Broyles you piece of shit!" is just gold.

I think the producers basically came out and said last year that the Observers weren't the First People.

Regarding Peter’s “erasure”: From some of the Observers’ dialogue in this episode, I think we can infer that the Observers took an affirmative action to block Peter out, and edit everyone’s perception of the timeline themselves. Maybe “edit” isn’t the right word, because I believe that everything we have seen in the

I don't know. Something to do with being obsessed with Jurassic Park as a child.

Dammit, and there I was getting all excited about Sam Neill.

No, I think they're running toward that with open arms.

Yeah. I actually agree with a lot of what he says, but his smug, sweeping generalizations and "If you don't agree with me you're a fucking idiot" attitude can border on making him no better than Bill O'Reilly.

"Realize how you're now admitting that you're jerking off to a stranger online"

Are they running from the bulls?