Run for it Marty

Sausages! Sausages! Please sausages! Sausage!

Let's murder one of these other dogs!

I want a colonic!

You guys have got to beware.

I read that.

My parents wouldn't let me see Jurassic Park in theaters. And yes, I'm still bitter about it.

That part creeped me the fuck out. Shadow hands, reaching out of her crotch? Yeah, fuck that.

I was glad the hair didn't burn away. It is a part of her, after all, so it makes sense. Plus, from an aesthetic viewpoint, I'd just rather see her…not bald.

Hmm. I'm no ASoIaF historian, but I did finish the novel about two weeks ago, and I'm nearly positive it ends with Dany walking out of the burnt pyre, two of the dragons suckling at her breasts and the other around her neck, hair burnt off, and everyone bows down to her.

"I like the ending the show chose more than the one the book chose"
Didn't they end in the exact same place?


Well, that was quite the buzzkilll.

Are these characters…auto…erotica?

I'm partial to "Holy fucking shit, it's a dinosaur, Jesus Christ, what the fuuuuuck," though I'm too lazy to find the video right now.

Son, you got a panty on your head.

Give it to him!

Poor Sean Bean…
…he can never survive Part One of a fantasy series.

See, it's all somewhat unclear. I wonder if they'll make it a little more certain in the show.

Yeah. Ned's head is a goner, which I'll be sad about. Though I'm stoked to see Iln Payne again, and whether he'll actually use Ice to do the deed. Even though I don't think the sword has actually been named in the show.

This was one thing that confused me in the book - if Drogo fucked up the treatment and killed himself all on his own, then why exactly did Dany kill Mirri…ya know, in the most horrific and tortuous way possible? I know, the whole "death for life" thing that comes later with her child, but Dany knew good and well that