
i think the best short is the Gumby episode they watch. either that or the one with Coily the Spring.

also, i don't quite get the love of Manos. Mitchell, yes, is hilarious, but Manos is one of those ones where I feel that the movie is so bad that it's hard to make fun of and hard to even watch. There are moments where it's hilarious like the first appearance of Torgo or the weird catfight, but I fell asleep the

I'm a Mike man since I first came across the show as a middle school kid when Mike was the host. My dad and I used to tape it every Saturday morning on Sci-Fi Channel. We still have a ton of old videotapes laying around the house and we've kept a vcr solely so we can watch MST3K. It's a nice bond that my dad and I

considering he's only released two albums since 2006 and quote-unquote "retired" from music, he doesn't exactly have a ton of output lately.

Jericho and Battlestar Galactica are both excellent post-apocalypse shows. Jericho was even on a major network. It was "Lost" before there was a Lost.

we went over to Morganville, which is what Shelbyville was called in those days!

Yosemite isn't a massive supervolcano capable of more or less ending civilization in the western hemisphere should it choose to erupt at some point.

why wouldn't Earth bacteria affect Martians? assuming they're all carbon-based lifeforms with something akin to DNA, i don't necessarily see why they should be immune to Earth bacteria. if extraterrestrial life were anything at all like Earth life, i'd think there's a good chance that bacteria could harm them.


death by zombie is also a lot more personal than death by being swallowed by a gaping chasm in the earth or death by drowning beneath the fucking entire ocean. that cuts both ways though. in some ways, it's worse to be up close and personal with the torture and death as in Saw and Hostel, but it could also be taken

my problem with all of this is that these movies always promise the end of the world but they never deliver (with the possible exception of Know1ng, but I don't think they actually ended everything). The Earth is still there…it'll go on with life. There just won't be humans…or at least not very many of them.

transformers 2 is especially incoherent. it doesn't help that all the robots essentially look the same, so mortal combat between two robots just looks like a bit hot mess of metal.

i think Easy TIger is pretty darn good. it seems like a logical next step from the 2005 trio of albums. Cardinology on the other hand is garbage. I read a review of it when it came out that said it was about the first album ever that could have benefited from more jamming and that's pretty much dead on. Ryan Adams

Oceanic is a fucking masterpiece. I'm bummed to hear they're calling it a day. Unfortunately and of course they aren't playing Pittsburgh on that last tour. I did get to see them right after Oceanic came out though and it was probably the the loudest show I've ever seen…just punishing.


about 25…it's brilliant. it's creepy and awesome. that's about it…just awesome.

dude, what the fuck? that "die hard" sequence is fucking epic with the Godspeed You Black Emperor soundtrack building and building. 28 Days Later should be added to my list of awesome sci-fi(ish) movies of the 00's.

D9 FTW! I'm too tired to go on a schpiel about the movie, but it was awesome.

i've never been a fan of shymalan, even the sixth sense. however, i've always thought the village was by far his best work. it is flawed, but the premise isn't a huge stretch. some religious sects actually do try to live as though it were the 19th century. plus, the film is just absolutely gorgeous to look at; the

Where's Firefly?
Wash? No?