
The Stones song that jumped to my mind for this list was actually Moonlight Mile.  It's such a perfect bummer of a song where you can tell that everyone in the band are at their wits end, strung out on coke and touring and women.  One of my favorite road songs and one of my favorite Stones songs.

Cerebral Ballzy
This is the first I've heard of them, but this rules. The video for Insufficient Fare on Youtube is pretty sweet. I'll definitely be heading to the record store to see if they have this.

That's cool and all, but I already own every album between Atom Heart Mother and Animals on vinyl, so I don't know what else I'd need.

Seeing as Darren's wife was apparently murdered, it seems plausible to me that a guy who would otherwise be a typically sleazy politician would be unwilling to use the Larsen murder to advance his cause. It seemed like he agreed to approach Mitch in the grocery store, but then genuinely couldn't go through with the

The review seems harsh. It's not groundbreaking and it's not overwhelming, but it's solid, vaguely countryish folk music. Down In the Valley might be cliched, but damned if it doesn't get stuck in my head every time I listen to it.

Wow, I actually have seen The Great Escape, but it was a long time ago and I couldn't tell you much about it anymore. I think the only ones I haven't seen on that list are Blade Runner (though I had been planning on watching it in the next week or so on Netflix) and Goodfellas and I've never made it the entire way

I just finished watching the first two episodes OnDemand back-to-back. I am officially addicted. I admit to being a bit confused by the rush of information in the first episode, but I thought by the second, things started to become much clearer. I've often found that if you just stick with things instead of

The whole complaint about "God did it" strikes me as silly. In real life that shit irks me as bad as it irks anyone, but BSG ain't real life. It's fucking science-fiction with elements of fantasy. It's not possible to travel faster than the speed of light either, but it's fine because it's a fucking fictional show.

I am totally supportive of 4.5 and even the finale, even the modern day stuff. However, it's pretty hard not to think how insanely awesome it would have been had the show simply stopped when Roslin said "Earth". It would have been maybe the most depressing show ending in the history of tv, but it would have been

There's nothing wrong with non-arc episodes in the X-Files though. They're a nice reprieve from the complicated, dark mythology episodes.

Most of season 10 ranges from solid to excellent. Homer to the Max, Mayored to the Mob and The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace all stand up pretty well against the classic era.

It didn't win because in Los Angeles, the war in Afghanistan is sooooo 2009. 2010 was all about bailouts.

Chris Hondros was also a phenomenal photojournalist. I got to participate in a phone interview with him during a war photojournalism class in college. It was awesome. The world lost two amazing journalists today. Check out Chris Hondros' pictures he filed from Misrata shortly before being killed. They're

By the way, which is worse to be known for. The Horseshoe Curve in Altoona or being the site of the deadliest dam burst/flood in US history in neighboring Johnstown? You can still go see the remains of the dam. Also, the entire state of Pennsylvania pays an 18% tax on all alcoholic beverages which was originally

Pretty much any town in that area of Pennsylvania, about 45 minutes east of myself, is horribly depressing and economically lifeless. Johnstown, Altoona, Hollidaysburg, State College (fuck Penn State), all those places are awful.

I can't get into BTBAM period. I've been at shows where they've played probably no less than 3 or 4 times and I've never actually seen them. The last time, I went in where they were playing from the bar for about half of a song and couldn't take it. I think to me they just sound like sub-Dillinger knockoffs. Just

The Locust and American Nightmare were two of the trendiest bands of early 00's hardcore. Given that, plus Holy Molar's association with Havoc Records (and the fact that it was itself a bit of a supergroup with members from the Locust, Heroin and Charles Bronson) and the band's place on the Deathwish roster, you've

You never saw American Nightmare live huh? Wes Eisold takes himself seriously. And don't get me wrong…American Nightmare fucking ruled.

I'm sort of what you could call "comic-curious". I like comics as a general proposition and I read them on and off, but I'm not heavily invested in them or overly knowledgeable. I don't really understand the allure of superhero comics either. As mentioned, it's hard to know where to even begin in a story that has

Andrew W.K. actually likes to fucking party, therefore he's allowed to have three songs on one album with party in the title. If you've ever seen him live, you know it's pretty much not an act. Dude loves a good party.