
i think it's supposed to be about death's that really got under the viewer's skins. besides, 12 Monkeys took the plot from La Jatee, so that's the one you should be mentioning.

another scarring childhood favorite: Where the Red Fern Grows….Christ, I bawled like a baby when I read that as a kid.

What the fuck? How did it get this far without anyone shedding a tear for Snoop? Seriously? "How's my hair look?" "You look good girl" Bang. It's breathtaking and heartbreaking. It also shows the complete genius of the show when the most cold blooded, remorseless killer in a show full of cold blooded,

it's a place name but Mississauga is sweet.

When I saw Fugazi, it was one of the most miserable concert experiences of my life. It was at Macrock in Virginia and my friends and I had driven in from Pittsburgh that morning. We had been walking around and watching bands all day long. I'd been up for about 36 straight hours. My stomach had been upset all day

i don't really view goth as an offshoot of punk (except for certain bands that blended the two styles i.e. the Birthday Party), but emo is an offshoot of hardcore which is a direct offshoot of punk.

I really like Owen too while we're on the Kinsella brothers. Owen's a newer project, but it sounds more like something that would have come out in the 90's.

Pinkerton is a classic record and it falls squarely into the boundaries of this third-wave emo discussion. There's really no two ways around it.

you know, people joke about emo being depressing and shit, but to me, Saves the Day was always a really happy band for me. Through Being Cool is still one of my favorite driving albums ever. Put on "Shoulder to the Wheel" on a warm summer night, put down the window and drive about 70 miles an hour with your arm out

oh I forgot to mention but how's there no love for Jets To Brazil? Perfecting Loneliness is awesomeness.

i'll go to bat for the Get Up Kids any day of the week. Something To Write Home About is terrific and so is On A Wire, where they grew into a more grown up pop sound; "Campfire Kansas" is amazing.

This exchange:

holy piss that's the longest first thread ever.

Massive Nights for the line "we drank from your purse"

Massive Nights for the line "we drank from your purse"

Uncle Tupelo's cover of Effigy is pretty ferocious too. Awesome song. I said it above, but the song Molina on Pendulum is outstanding.

Thrasher is such a beautiful song too. I had an interest in Neil Young and always sort of wanted to like him, but wasn't ever a huge fan. Thrasher was the first song where Neil Young really clicked for me…where I really got it so to speak. Now he's one of my favorites. I'd suggest Walk On and Cortez the Killer for

3030 is clearly the best Deltron song and one of my all-time favorite hip hop songs (granted i'm not exactly an afficionado of hip hop but still).

More News From Nowhere is ridiculously awesome. I also think I'll have met my soul mate when I meet a girl who swoons at "Into Your Arms".

Bruce Springsteen - Shut Out the Light