
Bankrobber might have been a single but it still must qualify as a deep cut right? What a stunning song that no one knows. It's not on albums and it never gets played on radio or tv.

oh i forgot one of my favorite deep cuts ever. Molina by CCR from the album Pendulum. So good.

can a Jawbreaker song really be a "deep cut"? i think deep cuts are things that only popular artists have. it doesn't really make much sense for me to list my favorite obscure Drive-By Truckers song….i feel like i can get away with saying "Black Diamond" by the Replacements however, because a) it's on a landmark,

Bob Odenkirk screaming "GODDAMNIT!" is one of the funniest things ever. His screaming in general is awesome. Although, John Ennis certainly gives him a run for funniest scream on Mr. Show with "YOU GAY BASTARD!"

Wow, aren't New Cult Canon entries generally pretty positive reviews? I like this movie a lot. I don't really think of it as scary or even "creepy" so much as just flat out disturbing. The lameness of a couple of effects (i.e. the cat attack and the woman bursting into flames) are more than made up for by the

I haven't seen Avatar, but it looks (and from what I've heard) sounds shitty. Then again, it seems like the Academy swings back and forth between honoring popcorn entertainment (i.e. the last time James Cameron won Best Picture) and honoring actually good movies. They spice that up by once in awhile just honoring

You really don't reenter your life. Probably 50 people are going to start rewatching the show from episode 1 after reading this article (I am). How many people are like me and found out after watching the Wire that David Simon also wrote Homicide and went out to find and watch that show (It's good, but not as good,

season 2 does seem out of character to me. the port barely ever resurfaces, except in passing (and Beatty of course). i also felt that the end of season 2 was a bit rushed. it was like they got so involved with the investigation that they forgot that they only had a couple episodes left to bring the story to a

I disagree about the idea of the media and power structure accepting surreal untruths. I think it's more about how everyone's falling down on the job. EVERYONE is complicit by the end of the 5th season; cops, reporters, editors, lawyers, politicians, everyone. A little bit of digging would expose it, but because

*Mild Spoilers*

As for the volume of material released since his death, just look at the amount of limited edition or bootleg stuff already out from these American Records. I'm surprised they're announcing that VI is it, honestly. The Unearthed box set has 5 discs, four of which were completely unreleased (My Mother's Hymn Book was

i disagree that cash's american recordings make him sound like a "broken down old man". at times, surely they do, but that's part of the power behind them. Hurt is so mesmerizing because it's obvious that he knows he's at the end of his life. The same is true of We'll Meet Again. They're just honest and lived in

anything touting intelligent design/creationism is deserving of scorn. it's a laughable flat earth theory for modern times. it's Fireproof Goes to College and it's bullshit. regardless of any shortcomings as a documentary, the very argument of Expelled is enough reason to shit on it.

wtf to bill murray in lost in translation?

I thought the Village was solid and definitely the best movie he's made (I'm not a fan of Sixth Sense). It had some decent performances and it was beautifully shot.

i'm certainly a casual gamer, but Oblivion is far and away my most played game ever. i love Oblivion and I'm shocked no one else pointed it out in this thread. maybe it has a lesser reputation with hardcore gamers, but i have no idea why. i'm also surprised Halo wasn't on this list. i'll have to get Bioshock, but

on the subject of noise, my friends in college were in a band called Earth: The Dumbest Place on Earth and the concept of the band was this: they set up two televisions with an Xbox connected to each and then the out cables ran through a pedal rack with a drum kit set up behind the tv's. two guys sat and played each

Isn't Dillinger Escape Plan kind of the cool person's Tool? And DEP is on this list. I mean, Tool was Faith No More for people who never really got over Faith No More breaking up. and Dillinger Escape Plan is Faith No More for people who figured out that Tool su-huh-uuuuuuucks.

tool fucking blows. and having the biggest following doesn't make them the best and it certainly doesn't reserve them a spot on "best of the decade" lists. i think that deftones' album is much more interesting and inventive than anything tool has ever done. also, please never ever put tool in the same sentence as

tool fucking blows. and having the biggest following doesn't make them the best and it certainly doesn't reserve them a spot on "best of the decade" lists. i think that deftones' album is much more interesting and inventive than anything tool has ever done. also, please never ever put tool in the same sentence as