
@bullets….i dunno how much you've dived back into Dillinger Escape Plan, but I'd put Miss Machine over Ire Works. DEP made Calculating Infinity which was just a complete game changer in the punk/metalcore scene. Then they disappeared for like 5 years without releasing a record and in the meantime every shitty band

@bullets….i dunno how much you've dived back into Dillinger Escape Plan, but I'd put Miss Machine over Ire Works. DEP made Calculating Infinity which was just a complete game changer in the punk/metalcore scene. Then they disappeared for like 5 years without releasing a record and in the meantime every shitty band

Thoughts on Converge
I just busted out Jane Doe for the first time in I don't even know how long. I think it's more or less flawless. It's a stunning leap forward from their previous work which, while frequently excellent, was often amateurish and spotty at best. I think it's an essential metal album of this decade

Thoughts on Converge
I just busted out Jane Doe for the first time in I don't even know how long. I think it's more or less flawless. It's a stunning leap forward from their previous work which, while frequently excellent, was often amateurish and spotty at best. I think it's an essential metal album of this decade

not liking Mastodon is fine, but what a lame ass argument to say that they're so praised because "hipsters" latched onto them as some Platonic ideal of metal that was way cooler than actual metal or something. first of all, if "hipsters" are pimping anything metal, it's probably much more likely to be a weird, avant

Japan, I think you're a tad off on Isis. Their style has changed significantly over time. I also don't think they sound much like Tool, except for Panopticon which is my least favorite Isis album (precisely because it sounds like Tool which I think is overheated, pretentious crap). There's no way you can listen to

i never cared much for Pelican because I thought it was unbearably dull, but then they released City of Echoes. i don't know what others like, but City of Echoes moves along at a much faster (comparatively) pace and is much more sonically interesting. i think it's a lot better album and a lot more interesting than

i was actually going to give kudos for selecting the deftones over tool. i always thought the deftones were more deserving of that mantle of mainstream-alternative-not-quite-100%-respectable band that underground fans can be cool listening to than tool or nine inch nails. white pony's a solid album.

oh yeah and there's some show on Cartoon Network called Destroy Build Destroy starring Andrew WK. i have yet to watch it, but the commercials make it seem like a kid's version of Mythbusters with Andrew WK screaming into a megaphone and cars blowing up. it could be good.

mythbusters at least explains some of the basic science behind the experiments. it's not in depth, but if it was, it wouldn't be popular…it'd just be some nerd show on the Science Channel. all the people on mythbusters clearly know their science and are clearly excited by it.

i wish Kari wasn't pregnant because it totally destroys my fantasy of the insanely hot redhead who loves science and knows how to use power tools.

how about m. night shymalan, creed and larry the cable guy?

i can shorten it to one trait

and at least kelly clarkson gave the world "since you've been gone". also, she has a "i could date a girl like that" charm to her so it's not all bad.

i have so many questions about this movie. did anyone know that BRGR was supposed to equal "burger" without being told that? if i got that text, i'd be totally baffled. are the rest of those texts real or are you making fun of them? what spring break hotel has rotary phones? there were 80's breakdancing

is firefly a tv show?

i'll back up the video game mention, because i'm always on pins and needles when i play dead space.

The Passion of Jesus H. Fucking Christ, Already, We Get Mel

unfortunately, Glenn Beck doesn't respond to indignant/bemused/making fun of him emails. i know, because i sent him an email about his 30 Rock art critique. i questioned whether he didn't know or didn't care that the painting he labeled communist propaganda had been immediately draped and then destroyed by the

loooove the Descent and most people I know despised it. it's so impossibly claustrophobic and foreboding. watching it made me wonder "what took so fucking long to utilize a cave as a setting for a horror film?!"