
wasn't it halloween II that had a close up shot of a screwdriver being shoved in someone's ear or temple? i remember my old roommate freaking out and yelling "oooohhhh, ooooohhhhh" at that. we all laughed heartily.

i have to say that I just rewatched The Blair Witch Project last night for the first time probably since I saw it in the theater when I was about 12 (and watched in rural Maryland no less). that movie is genuinely frightening. it takes one of my genuine phobias (i.e. the extreme dark and quiet of the country; a bad

Also, Mel Gibson has more money than Jesus, ipso facto, he's better than Jesus. Worthington's Law. Look it up, bitches.

The Passion of the Christ is worth seeing if for no other reason than because it's such a notable film. It's not like it's a poorly made film or anything like that, but it is definitely disturbing. The ironic part of it is that the groups that are the most ardent supporters of that film would also be the first to

i'd say everything by Ryan Adams is good with the exceptions of Rock N Roll and Cardinology (which isn't bad, just meh).

oh and obviously Thunder Road….

That Much Further West - Lucero
Outtasite (Outta Mind) - Wilco
Fourth of July - Shooter Jennings
Calling Lightning With A Scythe - Howlin' Rain
Moonlight Mile - The Rolling Stones
Decoration Day (so you can pound on your steering wheel to the drum beat before the guitar solo comes back in) - Drive-By Truckers
Wagon Wheel -

@Anon: Did you just say that Jimi Hendrix was English? Last I checked, Seattle was a part of the United States.

Ulf Samuelsson would have rocked Jeff Beukeboom. Hell, he probably did.

I saw this on an episode of Intervention where the stripper smoked insane amounts of meth everyday. I believe they called it "meth psychosis".


The Boss
No? Darkness on the Edge of Town following Born to Run? Nebraska following anything?

i see no reason why art has to be made for anyone other than the artist. if other people like it and come along for the ride, fine. if not, that's fine too. artists don't owe anyone anything and i think it's kinda lame to say that they need to get over it and make something that we'll all like.

i love Out of Sight. underrated movie.

the odd thing about the electronics on adore though, as pointed out by the allmusic review of the album, is that they're actually pretty regressive. they sound more like early 80's new wave than post-rock electronics, more Depeche Mode than Autechre. and i think it was harder to predict the pumpkins turning into a

i'm not sure why everyone's drawing a distinction between "pop" on Nevermind and "noise" on In Utero. i always thought that what worked about Nirvana was that it was essentially Beatles-esque pop (albeit a bit more bleak and fucked up) wrapped in a halo of Big Black-like noise. it wasn't totally new - bands like

I'm with elitist trash. The Colour and the Shape is damn near flawless. I never get tired of that record. I definitely put it in the same class as the best works of Radiohead, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and the other great bands of the 90's. the rest of the Foo Fighters stuff,not so much. there's not much that

@Kyle C

I remember Stay What You Are even being a bit of a curveball by Saves the Day, although I think that's a pretty solid album too. There's no way Through Being Cool isn't their best record though. It's one of the most flawless pop-punk/emo albums out there, right up there with "Jersey's Best Dancers" and "Hello

at least in the worldwide undead plague, the shit goes down in normal neighborhoods and farms and malls and places everyone's been. the "monsters" are your normal everyday people. it's something that's more identifiable and immediate than an Old World castle or Romanian village like so many vampire and werewolf