
also, the scene when the aliens are outside the observatory at Arecibo is probably the most genuinely frightening scene I've seen in the X-Files so far.

I am just now watching X-Files for the first time, so I'm reading these synopses after having watched the episodes for the first time. I'm about halfway through Season Two so far and I love it. Most of Season Two has been stellar, one great episode after another. There's a genuine sense of fear and paranoia and


wilford brimley being informed that he had diabeetus via wikipedia made me laugh pretty loudly. bravo.

i like how mbs implies that a talking penis sounds like a good premise for a film.

Striking Distance is no Sudden Death. Best Pittsburgh movie ever.

i remember Bart vs. the Space Mutants being ridiculously hard. Maybe that's because I was something like 8 when it came out. but the simpsons and turtles arcade games were fantastic. best arcade games ever.

ok, so i just googled it and realized that Christina Hendricks is the badass chick that marries Mal on Firefly. whenever i see her, a few synapses in my brain fire off randomly and fizzle out and i just see red hair and tits everywhere. i vote for her. also, i had no idea she was in mad men. i've been thinking i

i was a TMNT for halloween once. i believe i was michelangelo, because he was the cool one. ninja turtles were definitely one of the shows that i watched endlessly as a kid along with voltron, thundercats, he-man, ghostbusters, and beetlejuice. in retrospect, it's pretty obvious i'd grow up to be a nerd.

Ohio is one of the worst states to drive across in the US. Hands down. It's the geographic equivalent of zero. It just holds a place between the East Coast and the Midwest. It says "Nothing worthwhile is here, but you can't just skip over it either." Also, the Browns and Bengals suck.

that whole album, with the exception of Scout Nibblett's earshattering warble on Peoria Lunchbox Blues, is great. Hold On, Magnolia is probably my favorite Jason Molina song ever.

oh yeah, seriously…what's the deal with the pouches? every single character has that same band of fucking pouches. what do they keep in there? bullets? lembas? the face on panel #29 is one of the worst things i've ever seen by a professional artist. i think the captain america cover in panel #27 is the worst

as a newcomer to comics (due almost entirely to this website), i can't pretend to have any familiarity with rob liefeld outside of the 40 worst panels page that i just now looked at. i can say however that as a kid in the 90's, whenever i thought "maybe i'd like comics after all" and tried to read them, it was shit

Good news everybody! We're going to ruin your favorite show.

I'd fight Gandhi.

I've always thought that I'd like steampunk a lot, because, like the comments above me here, I'm fascinated by how things work and like the idea that you can build and watch complex machines as they work. I love the look and idea of steampunk, but I've never been able to find an entryway, so this is totally perfect.

For my 21st birthday, two of my best friends bought me a six pack and a bag of skittles. it was one of the best birthday gifts i ever got.

i liked Contact. thought it was interesting.

i would actually say that the grisly intimacy of movies like Saw, Hostel, Wolf Creek, and House of 1000 Corpses is less offensive than the apocalyptic (or mass) deaths in movies like this, 2012, The Day After Tomorrow…basically all of Roland Emmerich's canon. There's a humanity and a feeling to the meticulous

The Last of the Mohicans is pretty badass though.