
she's still a pretty woman, but when she was young, she was drop dead gorgeous. like, i just look at the album covers and sigh gorgeous. kind of what i do with jenny lewis now.

will you continue to focus primarily on artists or after you get out of the bedrock artists will you focus more on movements and sub-genres? i.e. will there eventually be a week dedicated to how awesome Uncle Tupelo is or will there be a week dedicated to how awesome the music that Uncle Tupelo helped bring about is?

Yo, there's no shame in liking Evan Dando and the Lemonheads.

i always really liked cold mountain. the soundtrack is very good. i'd give this a thumbs up.

the episode in season three where they think they're getting a confession for a string of murders out of Cheese and in reality he's just all shook up about having to put down his pit bull…that's awesome and totally not badass at all. Method Man's not playing a caricature. he's funny, he's (sort of) sensitive, and

why, in all of these pairings of thematically and temporally similar films, is there one good movie and one shitty movie (or, at least, much lesser movie)?

Van Morrison looks like an elf, or maybe an imp, in The Last Waltz. Seeing that movie completely wrecked my mental image of the man. Not that I don't still love him.

oldham is creepy as fuck, but he's not menacing. The Judge has to be menacing. like satan walking the earth. plus, he's supposed to be huge and completely bald. oldham might fit into a blood meridian film somewhere, but not as The Judge.

Fuck ya, he's awesome as Cheese. For that matter, he's also awesome in How High.

i had no idea that was Tom Waits as Renfro in Dracula. i like that movie a lot, but i haven't seen it in a long time. i love him in down by law though.

Tim McGraw in Friday Night Lights?

Oh, another episode of Unsolved Mysteries about Bigfoot convinced me that I was going to see Bigfoot peering in a window. I wouldn't look at windows at night for a long time, because I didn't want to see anything looking back. I told my parents and they tried to comfort me, but to no avail. To this day, I still

I remember I had the scariest dream of my life after watching unsolved mysteries once. It was something about alien abductions, I believe. There was a scene with lots of little kids pointing up into the sky and reacting to something totally fucking crazy going on offscreen. This also happened to be right around the

oh yeah, i highly recommend "Decoding the Universe" by Charles Seife. it's a book about the science of information. it's a truly fascinating layman's explanation of a field of physics i had no idea about. charles seife is the man. he's a great writer. his book Zero, about, what else, the concept of zero is also

I love this guy. I'm a bit of an armchair physicist. I've never had a physics class in high school or college, so I can't do the math to save my life, but thanks to people like Kaku, Tyson, Brian Greene, Charles Seife, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and others, I feel like I actually understand the concepts and ideas

If that's true, I will in fact see this.

i didn't see the Dark Knight until it came out on DVD, so i figured that there was no way it could possibly live up to my expectations and all the hype i'd heard. boy, it sure did. i think that movie's brilliant. heath ledger is just ridiculously good in it and i think the plot is so timely. i love it to death.

Jaws is amazing no matter what. I mean, there's no real plot twists to ruin your viewing experience if you know about it. It's pretty obvious from the get go that a shark is going to kill people until someone stops it. It fucking rules regardless.

I knew the twist of the Crying Game, so it was wasted a bit on me, but it was good. The first 30 minutes or so are the best of the movie though. However, I watched it again with my roommate who didn't know the twist and he lost his mind. It was hilarious to watch his reaction.

"Irish tombs drenched in blood"