
In Hodgman's first book My Areas of Expertise, in the chapter about lobsters, there's a picture of an otter with the caption "A lobster". It cracks me up every time.

I think one of the hardest times I've ever laughed in my entire laugh was the first time I saw the scene where the kid crashes the van into the tree. It comes out of fucking nowhere and it's such a great surprise the first time you see it. I had tears in my eye.

How about a little love for The Deadly Mantis?

oh my god, Tardy the Turtle is one of the greatest creations ever.

Charlie yelling "Because I cut the brake line! WILD CARD, BITCHES!" before maniacally laughing, kicking open the back door of the van and jumping out will never not be hysterical.

I think the funniest Arrested Development scene is when Tobias is dressed up like the female nanny and he's trying to get Maebe to notice him and want to spend time with him, so he goes up the stairs with an umbrella and then jumps down Mary Poppins style, but he just crashes through the glass endtable in front of the

The Pre Taped Call In Show is incredible. I remember reading in the Mr. Show book about how they laid it all out very carefully and all the writers kept trying to find flaws in the sketch's logic and they finally decided it was airtight. that's the kind of insanity that sketch inspires. it's one of the most

shit, zmf makes me laugh, ftw!

funny you should mention extended gimmicks

The Haunting In Connecticut would be awesome if the big reveal was that all the crazy shit was being caused by the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past. and then Danzig showed up and bought the house.

Taint Misbehavin'

The Haunting of Hillel House…that could be scary.

"Just sit down and enjoy the movie. It has Tom Berenger."

a Karl Hungus reference in the same paragraph as a Three Times One Minus One reference. that alone is enough to make me netflix this…assuming netflix has it. anything that can be described as displaying a level of incompetence that is "awe-inspiring" is something that needs to be checked out.

nah i saw them in pittsburgh, but 90% of the audience didn't want to give the time of day to dbt. it sucked. but the band itself was excellent as always and the hold steady was very good, so it was ok.

yeah it's called Phantom of the Attic. it's on South Craig St. in Oakland. Craig St. is basically the demarcation between the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. it's about a block from the Carnegie Art and History Museums. fortunately, I went to Pitt and still have a large amount of friends

could the twins be the Nelson Brothers?

yah that's the book you're thinking of. i love that there's even then an additional layer with the footnotes from a fictitious editor explaining that none of the real life people had ever heard of the book or film and had never given quotes. ridiculous.

didn't Blade sort of corner the market on martial arts killing vampires with swords movie market?

I saw Bjork/Pixie from the Land of Spells and Fairies pushing a stroller through Chinatown once.