
would the marching band g2g include anything about Jean-Baptiste Philouza, the mad genius of marching band music?

i was kinda wondering where a band like Zombi would fit into this discussion. i have a feeling they're vaguely krautrock-influenced since i've seen mentions of tangerine dream (who've i've oddly known about since i was a kid because they're mentioned by Mike Nelson in the MSTK3K movie) and goblin. i like Zombi.

are you saying Gateways to Geekery never happened, Captain Mandrake? perhaps G2G is behind the fluoridization of drinking water and children's ice cream.

Dickety! Highly dubious.

Oooh the Germans are mad at me. Oooh the Germans.

@King Bastard

the hold steady are great, but they don't write anything that comes close to being as classic and smart and emotionally powerful and memorable as drive-by truckers' best songs. the insane thing about DBT isn't that that patterson is one of the best songwriters working today or that cooley is right there with him.

i really like the Avetts live. their albums took a long time to grow on me, but they're fun to see live. then again, i've only ever seen them outdoors in the summer, usually drunk, so that could affect how i think of them live.

drive by truckers are one of the best live acts i've ever seen. they're fantastic, especially if you seem them in a smallish place with a crowd full of rabid fans. when they opened for the hold steady it was a hold steady type crowd in a big venue, so it was lacking, but when i've seen them headline they are

To me, Decoration Day has always been the stone-cold classic of their catalog. I know I'm in a distinct minority among DBT fans, since the consensus pick is Southern Rock Opera, but Decoration Day is just absolutely perfect in my eyes. The title track is one of my top 5 songs of all-time. It's got some of their

agreed. this band can rock out, but i tend to think that a lot of their balls-to-the-wall rock stuff seems a tad slight in contrast to their slower, more emotionally powerful stuff. that's not always the case, because The Dirty South is really rocking and still emotional, but their best songs tend to be things like

Space City is one of the few classic songs from what is otherwise a mediocre record. Gravity's Gone stands with the best DBT songs too. I guess Cooley was writing better than the other guys at that point in time, because his songs hold up the best from Blessing.

PBR has a hipster reputation, but it's also more or less the ultimate cheap beer. PBR Tallboys are fantastic, especially when seeing DBT or Lucero. Every once in awhile, hipster douchebags latch onto legitimately kickass things.

House of Leaves is actually one of my favorite books. That probably makes me sound so pretentious, but that book just fascinates me and it's so creepy and odd. The only parts that I ever had to slog through were the occasional points when Johnny Truant gets long-winded. I love that book though. You're right about

most of the cds i own could probably be broadly classified as country, punk or metal. i love son volt just as much as i love mastodon or hot snakes. that's not weird to me at all, but i dunno…maybe i just don't realize how odd it is.

maybe one of the staff writers should embark on a yearlong quest to immerse themselves in metal a la Rabin and country music. it could be called "Gothenburg or Bust".

Fart, nice Failure avatar. I love that album. And Kermit, you beat me to pimping 27. Solid band. You seem to be venturing into the territory that I spent quite a bit of my youth, so here's a few recommendations apart from Oceanic, which is unbelievable (apologies if you knew any or all of these).

i suppose this is probably going to make me sound like i'm into "hipster metal" or whatever, but if you're into slow, post-rock type metal, Isis' albums "Oceanic" and "Panopticon" are amazing. Oceanic in particular is suffocating and open at the same time. It's a brilliant album. Also, though I never really liked

arsenio, did you just claim that 90% of people don't outright hate noise music? if more than 0.1% of the human population actually likes merzbow or east west blast test or even something like combatwoundedveteran (which isn't noise, but as noisy as rock instruments generally get), i'd be shocked.

i like the decemberists and i've been following Mastodon since Lifesblood….