
I'm listening to it now and halfway through, this album brings the goods. For shame, Sean. For shame.

I find this completely reasonable

The plane
I watched this on had mechanical problems, which ended in this way-more-intense-than-should-be bumpy landing. I was feeling a little fussy. This movie calmed me on that flight.

It's OK. I also found this too beautiful for me not to want to jump up and yell out "THAT WAS FUCKING BRILLIANT" and get a good talking to and/or asked to leave.

But, but…

"…but the emotional intensity is gone. It turns what should be a powerful, terrifying sequence into a lot of shuddering, and 'Ew, gross.'"

I didn't need to read the whole headline.
All I needed to see was "NBC replaces perfect couples" to know that they've upgraded.

I commented last week about looking forward to this write-up, getting these episodes confused with the one where… SPOILERS!

I… did not mean to triple-post this.

Am I the only one?
When they were able to stitch up the guy's heart, I thought House was almost disappointed, that he did have that procedure done for some perverse excitement. That or I'm just a dark-hearted POS.

Am I the only one?
When they were able to stitch up the guy's heart, I thought House was almost disappointed, that he did have that procedure done for some perverse excitement. That or I'm just a dark-hearted POS.

Am I the only one?
When they were able to stitch up the guy's heart, I thought House was almost disappointed, that he did have that procedure done for some perverse excitement. That or I'm just a dark-hearted POS.

Off-topic but I canNOT wait for the review of the Clayface episode. I remember as a kid thinking Batman was a total jerk in it. "Let the man just not be a freak, alright? BATMAN NO!"

The dream sequences were a tad hokey, but I was entertained on as shallow a level as you can name, so I forgave them. Ax-cane really tickled me.

I enjoyed ax-cane as well, so I forgave the whole "hallucination" thing, as hokey and overdone as it was.

This is the first time…
…in a long time I didn't feel like I just wasted an hour watching House.

They've all but castrated
…one of my favorite characters on TV. I liked Greg (he doesn't deserve to be called by his last name anymore) when he was a miserable fuck of a druggie.

Top 3
This might actually be in my top 3 episodes of the whole series. I had that much fun watching it. It was nearly perfect, with the only flaw being a rushed ending. This needed to be "super-sized" or something.

What a pleasure this series was.
Thank you.

My friend and I just about always go into Nelson's voice and say "MICHAEL JACKSON!?" whenever he comes up. It's annoyed many.