Iggy Poops

I kind of expected to see Fucked Up "Glass Boys" on the list… their previous two made AV Club end of year lists and I thought this one was outstanding.

My nom would be Kathy Bates in Titanic. 
My nom nom would be Kate Winslet's tits in Titanic.

That's funny, the first time that I saw it, I saw it at sea…

I always found the sound quality of …And Justice for All to be deliberately sparse and cold to match the lyrical content so as to produce a specific feel. The sound isn't warm and round like Master of Puppets, but it has real bite.

Sadly, it seems that many music genres are nothing more than the following of a formula. It always seems stupid to me when someone dismisses, for example, a NYHC band for not being *exactly* hardcore (if maybe they also have some metal influences) or some black/gloom/doom(whatever) metal band (not genres that I care

So is "Dawes" the new "first" (i.e., something that someone at some point thought was amusing and/or clever, but that really wasn't anything other than obnoxiously retarded)?

Gotta agree… was hoping to discover some missed thrash and basically got "the Big Four" with Exodus (the Fifth) and Kreator… How about "Thrash BEYOND the Big Four"? Then again, I grew up with the thrash, so I suppose I don't really need to be introduced to it as I'm already well and truly immersed.

Thrash managed to apply hardcore to that shiny arse NWOBHM and ended up with something new and magnificent. Ah, where are the Nuclear Assaults of our youth?

"Soup Kitchen" by D.R.I.

I see people doing exactly this — and I cannot wait until it completely backfires and they end up with either a metal head or a vapid pop tart.

I was forced as a child to listen to Barry Manilow, Neil Diamond, John Denver, and Kenny Rogers… I view that as the nurturance that led directly and causally to my love of SLAYER.

The remake should be about a group of cognitive psychologists… it could be called "The Magnificent Seven +/- Two"… or is even that too specialist geeky for AVClub?

The remake should be about a group of cognitive psychologists… it could be called "The Magnificent Seven +/- Two"… or is even that too specialist geeky for AVClub?

Every show needs a John Munch.

Every show needs a John Munch.

Damn good point… or in Rooster Cogburn talk "Dragoompnt!"

Damn good point… or in Rooster Cogburn talk "Dragoompnt!"

What about Billy Bob Thornton as Carl in "Sling Blade"?!?
I like that movie, mmm-hmmm.

What about Billy Bob Thornton as Carl in "Sling Blade"?!?
I like that movie, mmm-hmmm.

CANCERAIDS! No wait… that's not right… hmmm… I'm new at this