Iggy Poops

@avclub-9581964fb9f07c57d5dacb12ce6d6b30:disqus  Re: In My Father's Den: I actually saw the film before reading the book and really liked the film. I then read the book and thought it MUCH better — but if someone has not read the book (and how many people in the US have ever heard of Maurice Gee?), the film is very

It'll never get a wide release, but did quite well in its opening weekend on something like 2 screens… it's a shame that good foreign indie films cannot break into a market full of stupid shit blowing up suckfests.

Other NZ films that I'd recommend:
In My Father's Den (based on book by NZ author Maurice Gee); Fracture (also by Maurice Gee); Matariki (incredible); Out of the Blue (w/Karl Urban); The Strength of Water; What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (i.e., Once Were Warriors part 2); Perfect Strangers (Sam Neill in a truly

Yes (or rather "Yis"), there are definitely regional accents here in NZ. Another issue that you may have had with the dialogue is that there is a bit of a Maori dialect (kind of like that ebonics thing in the states, but not as pronounced — the strength of any kind of Maori accent depends on the iwi (um, "tribe" if

Ok, so maybe Judas Priest's entry is a bit more: "How fucking great is touring?"

Judas Priest: Living After Midnight
AC/DC: Highway to Hell; Long Way to the Top
The Creepshow: Hellbound

In what world can Blink-182 be considered "punk"?!?

I went to see Ginsburg do a reading of Howl in Ann Arbor… my wife bumped into and almost knocked over some old guy on the street later that night — then we realized that it was Ginsburg!  He was quite pleasant in person.