Iggy Poops

So, um… this is basically "Sword of the Rings" ?
Remember when Guy Ritchie had promise?

I loved this film and view it as a very welcome return to form for one of my favourite directors. I didn't find the different actresses playing the same role as even vaguely confusing or offputting… they seemed very much the same woman.

Imagine a world in which Cliff Burton had not died and Metallica had fired Lars and hired Dave Lombardo — the greatest metal drummer of the age yet somehow underappreciated only in his own band…

I don't care for Disney, but the fact that Taika Waititi was involved with the script gave me some hope that it would be handled without being appalling - at least culturally speaking.

Yeah, I found that kind of weird too — very tiny little speaking voice and then WHOOAAAHHH! Reminds me - oddly - of when I saw Napalm Death back about 1991 & when Barney spoke between songs it was this nice, clear-spoken, British "cheers, the next song is called BWAARRRGHH HRAAHHWWWGCH!!!!!"

Just saw Screaming Females in Wellington (NZ) about 2 weeks ago in a tiny little club — they were awesome - but the show felt too short. The opening bands were both Kiwi bands, and if you like Screaming Females, you might like BOZO and Street Chant, so give 'em a listen.

Maybe it is because the only rap I ever liked was Public Enemy, but listening to this song just now makes me feel about 30% stupider.

in my jeans

I didn't read the book and saw the film because it was Jeunet. It definitely has his visual flair and energy, but is somewhat more sentimental than his earlier works… The cast was game, but nobody was particularly outstanding. I would probably have put it as about a B.

Randy Newman

Still some serious bullshit that it beat the movie about gay cowboys eating yogurt!


Maybe they hated both "Crash" films… I did - so confusing them is never a problem as I wouldn't choose to watch either again (and no, it's not because I'm prudish or found Cronenberg's Crash to be too controversial or anything like that… it was just shite).

Suburbia the 1984 Penelope Spheeris film that I loved vs. Suburbia, the 1997 Richard Linklater film that I didn't…

I didn't know that I wanted this… but I want this so bad.

I've always found that I enjoyed Community when I happen upon it while flipping channels, but I've never been motivated enough to actually seek it out and/or work it into my schedule. Oh well, maybe someday.

Wow! And you don't even have to be able to write coherently in English (or spell worth a damn) to do the job!

Is it just me or does the photo of the band look like some kind of hipster JC Penney catalogue shoot?

Apparently, the shape of meh is here…

So I am supposed to believe that a famous (and famously hated) heroin addict was able to organize and pull-off the murder of another (more) famous person — her husband no less (and the police always look at domestic partners as initial suspects) — and that the police were just like "ok, whatever" and that at no point