
I wouldnt be surprised if this is a hit. Looks like the new Snakes on a Plane to me.

This…. actually looks kind of amazing. Like an 80s movie with cgi

member Donkey Kong?

member NES?

Did you seriously not even mention Bloodborne?? Bedt loftcraftian twist ive ever seen. Not even part of its promotion. Insight system was genius. And mashing up traditonal victorian monster with loftcraft is one of those so obvious i cant believe more people dont do this moments

Thats wild. That Xmen fays of future past scene is when i fell in love with fassbender as an actor. We are our own worst critics i guess

Just as well bc the show falls off a cliff after this story arc. Ive never seen such a good show get so bad so fast!

Ah review is a bit harsh. I'd argue it was a thematically very important battle. It showed the brutality of war in a decidedly non-heroic way. It showed Jon Snow is still very hot tempered. It showed growth of Sansa as the only Stark who can actually play the game of thrones. Story is moving forward again, finally… I

He has hasnt survived the transition well. His product placements and corporate shilling is super obvious.

Haha. This article is straight trolling. There's a handful of good creature and spaceship scenes in the prequels, sure. Most of it looks like green screen garbage. I do have to gice lucas credit, the action scenes are always clear and well structured. Everything else is complete schlock.

I agree wirh the premise of this article, The movie is good games of thrones esque fantasy but the plot holes and complete disregard if any effort at historical accuracy kind of kill it for me. Rome becoming a republic again in 160 ad?? North africans portrayed as muslims 400 years before muhammed? Russell Crowe

"I was in it. I had the titular line."

This is amazingly well done. Loved it. Excellently staged action sequences, much better than the ones Ive seen in super hero movies lately. Also loved all the 2001 references.

This was a great episode. Ive been binge-watching early simpsons and this holds up with the best of them.

ahh. I guess it had to happen eventually, but I was hoping many seasons from now. This is the first R and M that could be considered bad. There were some good jokes but overall…. not feeling this one.

What? Did we watch the same episode?Definitely an A. Like most people I've been binge-watching "classic" simpsons and this one was right up there with them.

THis is. Amazing. It simultaneously makes me think about how dumb this movie is and also how great old video games are…

I think he's earned the right to be arrogant at this point.

Mam-M—MORTY!!Quick, someone is uhhhrrrppppp stealing our underlying concept.

This is a dumb accusation. That is not plagiarism. Geez.