Weasels Ripped My Flesh

lol wtf is American Gods lol

That's a lot of pop culture for one little headline.

Then you'd best Jet on outta here.

I could have spelled it better, but yes that was intentional.

Sounds annoying.

Getting Hard

Supermanning IV: The Quest for Peace —- Their dad bans all football talk at family gatherings.

It's about time for Gone With the Winding.

I enjoy his Kevinesence.

Focus groups comprised of people no one loves?

He's suddenly more menacing and at the same time less slimy, somehow.

Cat-9 From Outer Space

This looks fun. I should maybe read comics now.

Come with me if you don't want to get canned

And I'm reaping all the benefits!

"Ah'll be back…in the next season."

This site has hosted more celebrity beef than Lindsey Lohan.

You think the show should be a parroty?

This sounds like a show JD and Turk came up with.

*shakes head at abundant use of "penis" and "fart" throughout*