Weasels Ripped My Flesh

I think the real story here is that a millenial had a job.

Probably, but we won't know for sure unless we watch. That's how the bastards get ya.

The milkman, the paperboy, evenin' tv?

I can think of some things I'd @ MargotRobbie…
…like a polite greeting, for instance

I hear he recovered A$AP.

Peele and Key? It has a nice ring to it…

Margot Robbie, you say?

*prepares box of tissues*

*answers @WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus , tries to explain that I am not nor have I ever been his lawyer, questions how he got my number, swaps stories about lost loves, ends up renting an apartment together*

*Bianca calls Shaq's people, Shaq answers in a fake female voice*

This whole debate could have been put to rest years ago if somebody, anybody, would just talk to Dominic Monaghan once in a while.

The Man Who Fell to Middle Earth

Check if it fits
And Sauron may see youuuuu

It was the Phantom Limb of Fate, I suppose.

Awww, he brought his own Palantir.

*listens to latest Letters to Cleo album*

Charlotte Rampling will just have to settle for her usual bridge game that night.

Stealth 90s revival continues.
*Emperor Palpatine folds hands, mutters "Good, good" to himself*


Circuit City: We Have a Store Still Open. Can you find it?