
Jeremy Piven tried to warn him.

My parents try to put me down, just because cat memes abound.

Gee, I've never felt neglected.

*sigh* You never studied.

Hey now, miss. My eyes are up here.

That is the most reassuring thing I've read in some time. Thanks, Son!

You actually listed 8! I left out Brislin but listed Sherwood as a guitarist.

Best writeup I've read today. Thanks, AV Club and Sean O'Neal.

Holy crap. I remember watching this, and I had no idea who the kid was until now. I'm friggin' old, dude.

Can't wait for Yes to be inducted: 6 keyboardists, 4 guitarists, 2 drummers, 4 lead singers, and one asshole of a bass player.

Have the first 12 issues. He did do excellent 'splosions, as well as weary dogfaces.
I think I was the only reader who liked the art in the 1 ish of Star Wars that he penciled.

As my high school Latin teacher used to say, "There ain't no noun that cain't be verbed."
Apparently @rootboy's Latin teacher said something similar.

Micronauts #13 was the first comic I bought as a kid, starting me down the road of preteen financial ruin. Loved, loved, loved Michael Golden's art.

As I recall, the only swear word is in the line, "He must be a king."
"How do you know?"
"He hasn't got shit all over him."

"You have a woman's bottom, my Lord!"

I've seen series II and III countless times. The first is too broad and dull, despite the presence of Brian Blessed. Forth just hurts too much.

You idiot! That's only for right triangles!!!

Dude, Spoilers!

The original script by Frank Darabont was much better.

How much does it cost to own 1.5% of a baseball team?