
Still waiting for Remo Williams Vs the World Crime League.

I'd advise yas to keep dialing, Oxmyx.

I think Jesus fucking Christ is physically impossible. But then again, hey, he's Jesus.

Sen John Blutarski was the first senator to do coke with John Belushi.

Thanks for the link. That's some good smackdown.

Kyle Rote, Jr.
Thanks for name-checking my boyhood idol. Growing up a soccer player in football-obsessed Texas, it was sweet, sweet revenge on all those purveyors of the "real" sports that Rote dominated them. They even made a Rote rule; win the thing three times and you can't come back.

Pretty sure he said "Sammy." That's not much better, but Sorkin has used "Sambo" before, and to good comedic effect, in "Sports Night." BTW, I know a guy who taught his granddaughter that a "Little Bill" doll from Burger King was called "Sambo." What a douchetard.
Also, I don't know if it's still true, but

I have a Little Kings story. One night when I was 18 I drank 27 of them, and the next day had my first hangover ever. There's something about the sugar added to cream ale that's headache inducing.
Of course, 27 Little Kings is equal to about 2.5 beers, so I'm the puss.

This episode is where Donna comes in as a more major character than Janel Maloney was originally hired to be. I've heard some critics say her character was boring or even useless. I would agree, if you think Big Bird is useless on Sesame Street. Donna is the viewer, asking questions the average Amer'kin watcher

The Nightmare Scenario
Please, fellow West Wing vets, be spoiler-mindful when discussing the bar scene.

Re: Josh's first mini-breakdown
I'm not recalling well the beginning Adam Arkin's first episode, but Josh's seeing his therapist seems at odds with his talk with Arkin. But the bookend with the music is nice.

That plus Leo was an actual wartime combat pilot. His scene with Gerald McRaney (Gerald McRaney!) was mesmerizing. It was almost enough to make me understand Bush's decision not to have the U.S. join the international courts system. It's actually not that unreasonable to imagine a well-respected retired military

*Raises hand*

I still Love Sports Night. I thought the half-hour format made for tighter storytelling. But to disagree, they were not the lowest-rated sports show on teevee. They were "consistently third. It's not like [they were] those clowns in fourth," i.e. CNN-SI.
And the CSC studios were in the World Trade Center. With a

Silver's best line for me, describing the spinelessness of Democrats in general: "Please. Don't. Hurt. Me."

Richard Schiff's appearance on The Practice was the highlight for me.

The mom on Wishbone was in an improv comedy troupe in Dallas, and she was undoubtedly the lamest person in the group.
No story here, just wanted to mention the greatness of 4 out of 5 Doctors.

Call me Bub. We like to keep things informal, as well as infernal.

Anti-first: I'm the Last in Line.