Grodin in "Heaven Can Wait."
Grodin in "Heaven Can Wait."
But, Professor, I must know: who was throwing those pies?
I'm a bad, bad apple!
Yeah, but it makes my breasts sore and my vajayjay weep.
It's all the nerd shout-outs they sprinkle into every episode. If you know what GLG-20 is, or IG-88, or EM-50, what Oceanic 815 is, or who played Tron, or watched Firefly, or who Emmitt and Milbarge are, or watched Arrested Development, or what Charlie from Lost's occupation is, or what a sandworm is, or who…
So where's beer?
I'm expecting that one in tomorrow's list.
Looking for a good version of "Don't Worry Baby" on the youtube I found one with Rivers Cuomo. Pretty dang good.
Another untouched thread that could/should have been huge: the episode that showed that all the humanoid species in the galaxy were from a common ancestor. Roddenberry kept religion out of the show, so the ramifications of the discovery were never really explored. At the water cooler the next day I was the only…
Best/hardest drinking game: martinis with The Thin Man.
Of course God hates football! Touching the skin of a dead swine? ON SUNDAY!!!
I thought Selma Hayek was dang funny. "I hope you're not one of those convenient Catholics who only go to church every Sunday" has not left me for more than a day since February.
Bear left.
Right frog.
"Don't Worry Baby" is my example of the perfect pop record. Never gets old. Apparently Brian wrote it for Ronnie Spector, but she had just had a hit with "Be My Baby"and Phil wouldn't let her do it. Or let her out of the house for the next two decades.
And, "Catch a Wave" and you're sittin' on top of the world.
There's certainly enough gold to wade through the chaff searching. "First Ladies as Dogs" and "Waiters Who are Nauseated by Food" plus the mentioned "Two Germans who Say Nice Things" still make me laugh.
"Last night ve vatched a very special episode of 'Blossom' UND VE CRIED!"
Pina colonic.
I liked it a lot, I'm planning on seeing it again, but there are some major issues/problems.
Star Trek has always done fantastical science like transporters and warp drive, but I don't remember Trek doing much, if any, _bad_ science before. …
I tried oyster farming once, but it just didn't sound right. "Make an oyster smile…."
Was really having trouble coming up with a name till Riff Raff said Orpah (my intentional misspelling, not his.) That reminded me of Dr. Fucking Fuckface Phil.
The Man Show had two bits that to this day make me giggle. I couldn't stand to watch the show much (too much testosterone for this sensitive 80's man). But damn, was Sock Puppet Porn funny. Excellent satire on all the conventions of crap porn, if there is such a thing.
And the brilliant, brilliant bit where they got…