Jason Sensation

Like every other well-worn comedy trope, it can be done well, or badly. Jones is great, I think.

No they didn't. Or was that the point?

From just avoiding Sean O'Neal's unbearably tired snark-filled articles on here, now I can avoid them on a whole new website?

It's the gentlest possible comedy, and…I don't know, it seems like a bit of a waste. People like Armisen and Hader seem to have internalised Woody Allen's old idea that comedy is somehow "less" than drama.

To give an alternate viewpoint, it's every "comedy of embarrassment" / "look, real people are funny because we're playing tricks on them" show you've ever seen. It's "Candid Camera" for jaded folks like us.

Haven't we already not had a Wonder Woman (Adrianne Palicki?)

It's weird, it's like they put the two most inexplicably regarded funny people in all of TV and given them a show together. I think Billy Eichner's so terrible I wouldn't be surprised if, in a year or so, his entire career turned out to be a practical joke played on me, and everyone who responds "no, he's great" is in

Fun-ner fact: the producers of "Airplane!" bought the rights to Zero Hour! precisely so they could up it off like that.

I went through a period of trying to watch all the Asylum's movies, but they seem to be getting more evil as a company as the years go on.

As I'm sure you know by now, he pops up very briefly at the end.

Unnecessary 5 months later reply - the photo of Adam Jr's mother is actually whatshername from "Nikita" and "How I Met Your Mother", not Lizzy Caplan (you get a very brief flash of it during the movie).

I wanted to like this, and Corddry is impressively unhinged, but he needed a funnier movie to be in. It needed Cusack, and it needed at least one stronger writer.

Started as stage comedy at tiny London comedy clubs, then radio, then TV. Some of it's good, but it's incredibly patchy.

Jenna Von Oy has aged pretty badly, it seems from the last photo I saw of her.

Most of the last season of Highlander, after Adrian Paul was clearly bored of it all (imagine a show so bad it made Adrian Paul bored) featured 6 different women, who were all being groomed to do spinoffs. One of them was Claudia Black, I think. But anyway, they decided to go with someone completely different for the

That 80s Show was alright. I watched it all and wasn't annoyed at the end of it.

Miss Sensation was met on the Onion Personals. Marriage soon, etc. Hurrah!

I'm not sure, but…
I think Donna might be a mother. Just piecing together the subtle clues from what she wrote :)

It was 2347 years since they started numbering years again…I think it's mentioned in the book somewhere that there was a long gap in between the last recorded year and the first new recorded year.

Virtually all articles written by either musicians or people with no job in the music industry to lose indicate that bands make an absolute pittance from record sales, and even less from official online stores. Buying an album supports no-one other than the record company which has been ripping us and the artists off