Jason Sensation

The rape victim who was offered sex and agreed, you mean? Who wasn't being physically or mentally coerced? Who was attracted to the two "rapists" and wanted to have sex with them? The one who enjoyed it and was not traumatised by the experience in the slightest?

Yes, because the way the sexes view this is different. There are millions of comic ideas that wouldn't work if you gender-flipped them, why is this so difficult to grasp?

So 17 years, 364 days is "molesting a boy", 18 years 0 days is fine, I assume? It's different because it's different. Boys think differently about it.

"Repulsive"? Come on! Were you ever 16? If a hot teacher had come on to you, what would have done?

"Repulsive"? Come on! Were you ever 16? If a hot teacher had come on to you, what would have done?

16 is legal in the UK, am I allowed to just view it as funny?

I thought it was great - it's not like they go to that particular well every two weeks, so I'm okay with it.

Yes. She is someone best served by faulty memories and not by actually watching her performances on the show. While she wasn't terrible, she was a long way from great. Her and Wiig are perhaps the most overrated former cast members.

He possibly refused to dress in his "own" uniform; or maybe it was to show how little he cared.

People have been weirdly desperate to become part of this hype fest.

Hold on, didn't you threaten to stop all coverage of The Walking Dead if Glenn was alive?

If I were responsible for it I'd probably be a little sadder at the steadily declining ratings, the steadily declining critical love for the show, and having to take the money of scum like DraftKings to stay on the air.

Actually, I guess the kid was fine with it. So the joke's just on Andre again.

Not even just conflicted. Pete wins despite being a horrible person, and Andre gets the cruelest 18 year long joke played on him (ruining a child's life in the process). I mean, what the hell is wrong with those people? And anyone who though it had "heart"?

Oh hell yes, she looked amazing in that episode.

So should no-one ever make fun of generational traits ever again, then?

I saw his standup special from a few years ago and it was shockingly bad. I wanted to like it too, being better disposed to his SNL stuff than most ("Hey, Remember The 80s?" still makes me laugh).

In other words, exactly the same as every other "generation" that's had jokes made about it - it just happens that this generation is one you're more aware of.

Every SNL review, three or four "watch Key and Peele" comments. It's probably better than SNL, most of the time, but they certainly have their fair share of rotten dud sketches too.

Oh. come on. "Borderline plagiarism"?