Jason Sensation

Also, when Mark E Smith first heard "Slanted And Enchanted" he claimed it was a demo of theirs from 1982, or something.

The Liz line about space marines is ripped off…in spirit, from Roman's line in "Party Down" to the drunk porn star Cramzy.

It was so awesome they got Ferrell in to do it, maybe the funniest thing he's done in a long while too.

I loved the first episode, and agree it's as strong as the show's ever been. Good work 30 Rock people (no coincidence it was co-written by Tina Fey?)

I have a Swedish-made…anatomy largener

It seems that British reviewers have a very hard time criticising Gervais, no matter how awful, boring or stupid his comedy gets. I think there's a default raising of any rating for anything he does by 20% or so because he once made The Office.

The 08 election thing was alright, mostly.

I do hope he gives us more Randy. There's a comic creation for the ages.

As there aren't currently any wars going on where a person could go and liberate a death camp, would you settle for satirical art instead?

It's been on the shelf since 2007 because they wanted to do it in proper 3D, or something.

Newman, are there are any Millar fanboy posts in this thread? Yawn.

One of the "life changing" things was…being a vegetarian for a few years. That's seriously the most a piece of art has ever changed your life? Wow, you're in the wrong job.

I loved this film. I mean, personal taste and all, but this review smacks of the reviewer going in expecting it to be a certain way; it wasn't, so he reviewed his disappointment rather than the film itself.

Bag of Hammers, moderately annoying, and no. If you're going to have a fairly crappy actress in your movie just because she's hot, at least force her to get naked for artistic purposes, or something.

This is an awful idea because newspapers are dead. It'd be like having a show about phone booth repair men.

I look forward to a long and glorious future for this gimmick poster.

Super Troopers is my favourite of their films, but Beerfest is a close second.

Agreed that Walter has really been firing on all cylinders this season, acting-wise. Brilliant, brilliant stuff.

It was so awesome it made me buy it for everyone's birthdays. Well, not everyone's, but at least 3 people. They all loved it too. Best thing DC have done since Watchmen.

The episode where they join a gym is my favourite ever. It's absolutely amazingly funny, and I'm having a quiet little chuckle to myself now thinking about it.