Jason Sensation

Aren't one or two of them quite a bit too "adult" for yer average child fan of New Who?

For us Brits
It's hard to overstate how hugely important this show is to pretty much every British person between the ages of 30 and…60? Everyone watched it, everyone talked about it. The novelisations were bestsellers, and every actor to play the Doctor has become a household name (with the possible exception of

Michael Marshall Smith is great, and I adored Only Forward. Definitely worth a read.

As far as it being a hard-and-fast rule, it does specify post-1960 in the article above. I'm as big a Hamsun fan as you are, but it looks like we won't be getting him read here any time soon.

Agreed agreed. I tried the two books after Fight Club and they were both fairly awful.

I think someone should register the username "." All the trolls would have to spend that little extra time on coming up with a handle, or something.

Ah, that's where I read about it Rowan…I knew I'd bought it because people here had recommended it, just fuzzy on the details. It does pass the page "limit" by quite a bit though.

Modern Dick…how about A Scanner Darkly?

Wasn't The Terror a WUIB selection from last year?

Also, the book (unusually for non-fiction) has some interesting structural things going on, so there's stuff to write about.

Man, I love "Touched By The Hand Of God". I suppose these are sucky videos in this list though, so that one would not qualify.

Fail like Bay. Congrats sir.

Re: the Wow thing, "Sweet Little Voice" laboured the joke way too hard; the presenter's every open mic comedian who thinks he's funnier than he is; the Coke commercial thing was brilliant (then immediately ruined by the host after it); the 5-second comedy blasts would be good if we'd not seen loads of comedians who

I agree with most of what viewdrix said, but the point about 140 Tweets specifically was that anyone with a passing interest in comedy will have heard about it via the tons and tons of advertising it's already got. Not comedian-specific adverting, either. But small potatoes.

Cool column, but
I don't think anything Funny Or Die-related should be anywhere near here. Do they not get enough publicity on their own?

Geo, what's the top tier do you reckon? I probably have some of them sat on my shelf, staring balefully at me, but I'm always up for buying more.

I think that sums up my thoughts too. I may have not liked some of the book, but by and large it was excellent and I'm glad WUIB gave me the opportunity to read it.

Deep Rat
I did like his bits of nastiness just designed to make the world more miserable, but what happened to the fella at the end? I was racing through the last 50 pages as it was great and I was enjoying reading it a lot (and they'd abandoned some of the things I liked least about it), but he seemed to disappear.

It's a flop because it flopped, surely?

The Buckfast monastery
I've been to the monastery where they make the stuff, and it's really really nice, like those monks make a ton of money off the alcoholics of Scotland and don't mind showing it. We went up to the front door and knocked, but they must not like visitors or something because no-one let us in.